If you’re a Pitcher struggling to get your lower body to drive results, treat this reverse sequence as a checklist to discover where to place your focus.
Do you …
(Answer each question with a Y or N.)
_ End of your stride creates a separation between your hips and your shoulders.
_ To create this separation, you must begin your lower body rotation before your front foot ends your stride.
_ Your upper body activity allows your hips to rotate into your foot plant.
_ To free your shoulders to rotate, you must keep your throwing arm uninvolved with your balance.
_ To keep your throwing arm uninvolved with your balance, you end your front leg lift with your hips level to one another.
_ To end your front leg lift with your hips level, before your front foot even comes off the ground, you must place your feet under your hips and, once you do lift your front leg, your front hip stays in place.
Still fighting to get your lower body involved.
Change your mindset. Instead of thinking about your lower body engagement as something you do, begin treating your lower body activity as something that happens.
Still obsessed about getting your lower body to drive your results, then ask Coach Skip how to use your current throwing action to trigger your lower body engagement.
Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secret to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.