Friday, June 25, 2021

The Separation Fabrication


Por Pitching Institute
Natural Separation

Balance on one foot, rotate your shoulders, then the instant your foot strikes the ground, your hips/shoulders end up at opposing angles and your back shoulder automatically swings forward.

Effective Pitching Separation

When you land your foot strike with enough separation between your hips and shoulders, your back shoulder whips your throwing arm into release.

Therefore, land your foot plant with sufficient hip/shoulder separation, and you can expect your lower body to send your pitches into your target.

The Pitching Separation Fabrication

Pitchers who end their front leg lift with their weight over their back foot create what they believe to be hip/shoulder separation by moving their throwing arm behind their body as they begin their trip down the mound.

When you generate this type of false separation, you lose your lower body and can’t know with any degree of certainty where any one pitch will end up.

Producing Hip/Shoulder Separation

Producing the authentic hip/shoulder separation needed to get your lower body to send your pitches into your target is a process.

You can get this process started by using the “FREE Pitch Location Tips” found on the Pro Pitching Institute website.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secret to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Conditions Determine Your Throwing Arm Path


Pro Pitching Institute

Standing is Different than Balancing

Since you spend most of your life with two feet planted firmly on the ground, you’re conditioned to expect your body to move the way you want all the time.

Therefore, on the surface, pitching should be simple … you see your target, and you send the ball directly into it.

However, when perched on one foot, you lose control of your arm movements and, unless you know how to manage your actions, miss your target much more often than you want.

Your Solution is Flawed!

When your results fail to meet your expectations, you search online blogs, websites, YouTube, and podcasts for ways to fix your results.

When closely examined, you’re still being fed the same false assumption that, even while balanced on one foot, you can control the way you move.

Continue with this approach and, like dangling a carrot in front of a horse, your pitching success will always be within sight, but will forever be out of reach.

Understanding Pitching Excellence

Pitching success comes from knowing how to manage the differences between the way your body works with both feet on the ground and when perched on one foot.

If you don’t know how to manage these differences, ask Coach Skip to show you how.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secret to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Pitching’s Correlations and Causation


Pro Pitching Institute

Your balance determines your results.

Your foot placements and the actions you take into your front leg lift determine your starting position balance.

Your balance at the top of your front leg lift creates your movements as you travel down the mound.

It’s your movements as you travel down the mound that produces your results.

There is a direct correlation between your mechanics and your pitching results, but don’t get fooled into thinking that your mechanics actually produce your results.

Circling back, what actually causes your pitching results are your actions into your front leg lift.

Correlation Is Not Causation

The correlation between your mechanics and your pitching results creates a smokescreen where you believe your mechanics are more important than your balance into your starting position.

Once you stay focused on improving your balance into your front leg lift, your body will automatically and repeatedly produce the results you expect.

Any other approach and your pitching dreams will always be within sight, but forever slightly out of reach.

Lost on how to approach your front leg lift balance?
Contact Coach Skip to teach you a starting position that’s proven to unlock your pitching future!

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secret to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Cross the Line Between Trying and Doing


Pro Pitching Institute

What is this line?

On one side of the line, you have your pitching dreams.

On the other side of this line, you’re trying to find a way to achieve your dreams.

Where’s Your Line?

Place a dot on a baseball and, with the dot facing up, put the baseball between your feet.

Now, get into your front leg lift and take a picture of your starting position.

Finally, with the picture in hand, draw a line from your nose through your belly button.

Is Your Line Working For or Against You?

When the line you draw is a vertical line that runs through your dot, your lower body will automatically produce the exceptional pitch location, throwing arm speed, and mechanics needed to realize your pitching dreams.

However, when your imaginary line misses the baseball’s dot, your dreams hinge upon finding some obscure, yet sustainable, mechanical combination.

Coach Skip’s Expertise is Spot On

Coach Skip has the pitching expertise to simply use your starting position to produce the repeatable pitch location, throwing arm speed, and mechanics you need to achieve your pitching dreams.

Can’t believe your pitching dreams are hidden within your starting position? … then dare Coach Skip to teach you a starting position proven to unlock your pitching future!

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secret to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.