Friday, April 2, 2021

Pitchers: Control What You Can Control


Pro Pitching Institute

All You Need to Know About Balance

When your hips are level and your shoulders are positioned directly over your hips, your body is in balance.

Anytime you do anything from a balanced position, you completely control your movements, and with an understanding of your body’s programming, can also control the way your body is going to react.

Balance within a Pitching Motion

Therefore, when your front leg lift is in balance and you properly choreograph how you come out of your front leg lift, your body can turn your hip/shoulder separation, delayed shoulder release, and pitch location into a well-managed reaction.

However, when you end your front leg lift with your weight centered over your back foot, you may feel balanced, but you’re not “in balance”.  You make it impossible to properly choreograph your movements down the mound, and everything you see is your body’s uncontrollable reaction to your weight shift.

Control Your Front Leg Lift

A laser focus on your very controllable foot placements, leg positioning, and front knee path into your front leg lift promotes a balanced starting position, and, with the right trigger, clears a path to your pitching dreams.

Struggling with your front leg lift? Ask Coach Skip for help.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Call or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Take an Advanced Look into Your 2021 Pitching Campaign


Your body is built to deliver your pitches directly to your target.

How close are you to seeing this happen?

Are You Going to Naturally Miss Your Target?

To throw a ball into a target, you rock back, step forward, throw the ball, and watch what happens.

When your head moves, you risk missing your target.

Until you find a stepping rhythm that puts your throwing shoulder in the same spot on every throw, you struggle to hit your target with any regularity.

Are You Going to Locate Your Pitches?

Logically, when you place your head in the same position on every pitch, you’re much more likely to see the ball go where you want.

When you begin your motion with your back knee flexed over the little toes of your back foot, it’s extremely likely your head stays in the same spot on every pitch.

From there, as long as you open your front shoulder to your target, you increase the likelihood your pitches travel directly into your intended target.


To improve the ratio of your pitches traveling into your target, make your back leg flex a regular part of your set-up, then begin your throwing action by opening your front shoulder.

Struggling to do this? Set up a short phone call (or text) with Coach Skip for help.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Call or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, March 19, 2021

If It Works Now, Will It Work Tomorrow?


If it works now, unless you do something to get even better, it might not work tomorrow?

The Hitters You Face are Getting Better.

Every Hitter is better today than they were yesterday. They’re learning their craft, getting better at recognizing when a ball is coming into their hitting zone, and making sure they drive every mistake that any Pitcher throws their way.

Combat Hitter Growth.

To combat the Hitters' growth, you need to understand how to get your pitches to travel directly into your target with enough late-stage movement that, even when you do miss, the Hitter struggles to square up on the ball.

Limit Mistakes.

The best way for a Pitcher to limit their mistakes is to let the Laws of Nature take over their results.

Consistent with Newton’s Laws, when you understand how to use angular momentum to take you out of your front leg lift, and force your body to react to the end of your stride, you allow your body’s twisting action to send your pitches directly into your target with uncanny regularity

Or you can let inertia take you down the mound, use your stride timing to put your throwing arm in the same slot, and hope your ball travels into your target.

Coach Skip Prepares You for Tomorrow

To find out how to make the Laws of Nature drive your results, set up a short phone call (or text) with Coach Skip.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Call or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Make Pitch Location Part of Your Foot Plant


When you stretch a rubber band, you create tension. Release the rubber band and it snaps back into place.

Just like the rubber band, end your stride with your hips and shoulders at opposing angles and your body spontaneously snaps back to your normal.

Creating a Snap

Ending your stride with your hips and shoulders at opposing angles, begins with ending your front leg lift with your hips level to one another.

With your hips level, when you make your normal throwing action, your body snaps back and spontaneously send your pitches directly into your target.

No Snap Required

Ending your front leg lift with your front hip higher than your back means you eliminate any chance your shoulders will need to snap back into place.

Let this happen, and your pitch location becomes less automatic, less spontaneous, and less repeatable than it could be with a rubber band-like snap.

Coach Skip Keeps Things Simple

Instead of searching for ways to end your stride with your hips/shoulders at opposing angles, set up a short phone call (or text) with Coach Skip to find out how simple it is to give your foot plant some bite and to expect your pitches to travel directly into your target.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Call or Text: 856-524-3248

Friday, February 26, 2021

Put Your Pitch Location on Automatic

Few Pitchers regularly send their pitches directly to their intended target, but, when you learn how to locate your pitches, you instantly become a must-have to next-level Teams.

Pitch location just happens. In fact, the amount of effort you put into locating your pitches determines the size of your target area.

Tilted Hips Kill your Pitch Location 

End your front leg lift with your hips tilted, and you put a lot of effort into your pitch location.

Ironically, putting a lot of effort into ending your front leg lift with your hips level makes it very likely you end your front leg lift with a hip tilt???

Level Hips Make Your Pitch Location Just Happen

End your front leg lift with your hips level, and your pitch location turns into something that happens and not something you do.

When you learn to manage your movements into your front leg lift, you end your front leg lift with your hips level and, without thinking about it, you can expect your pitches to travel directly into your target.

Coach Skip Teaches Pitch Location

Coach Skip can teach you how to manage their hip orientation into your front leg lift.

Need help with this? Set up a short phone call with Coach Skip.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Call or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Pitch Location is Extremely Simple

The more body parts involved in your throwing action, the more your pitches to travel directly into your intended target.

An Upper Body Only Delivery

An upper body driven motion hurts your pitch location and here’s why? 

You end your front leg lift with your weight over your back foot, use your throwing arm to offset your forward weight shift, and, once you end your stride, rotate your upper body around your head.

With your upper body completing your delivery, you “hope” your pitch travels directly into your target.

A Full Body Delivery

When your entire body drives your throwing action, your pitches travel directly into your target. 

Because you end your front leg lift with your weight centered between your knees, you end your stride with your hips and shoulders at opposing angles, and, to relieve the tension, use your entire body to send your pitches directly into your target.

Pitch location becomes amazingly simple. A focus on your front leg lift delivers your pitches directly into your target.

Coach Skip Guarantees A Full Body Delivery

Coach Skip gives you a way to send your pitches directly into your target for the rest of your competitive pitching career. 

Interested? Set up a short phone call with Coach Skip.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Call or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, February 12, 2021

What Exactly Is an Effective Bullpen?

The object of any bullpen is to walk away with one physically repeated action that’ll get more pitches to travel directly into your intended target than before your session began.

Keep repeating the action that came out of your bullpen, your actions become a habit, and, forever on, you can count on more pitches to travel directly into your target.

The most effective bullpen take-aways

Obviously, you decide how you want to move, but did you ever realize, your conscious actions can only occur when your body comes out of a point of balance. 

Once your body moves out of any balanced position, your subconscious goes to work to get your body back to balance. While your body is getting itself back to balance, you lose conscious control of your movements.

Therefore, the way your body is known to work, when the actions that come out of your bullpen revolve around your foot placements or out of your front leg lift, your bullpen is much more likely to have a permanent and positive impact on your future fastball location.

Coach Skip Optimizes Bullpen Sessions

By supervising both in-person and Zoom-based bullpens, Coach Skip helps you walk away knowing the actions that’ll positively impact your fastball location for the rest of your competitive pitching career. 

Not getting as much out of your bullpens as you’d like? Set up a short phone call with Coach Skip.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“The Secrets to Fastball Location©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.