Question 1 - Does a change really need to happen?
Yes, I’d make the adjustment - When your results are unacceptable to baseball people at the highest levels, you need to make an adjustment!
No, I wouldn’t make the change - when the reason for your
improvement comes from something you see another pitcher do, what someone says
you need to do or you're merely experimenting with your movements, I’d
recommend you keep your current motion and merely optimize your footwork.
Question 2 - Why
should the change happen?
Yes, I’d make the adjustment – your mind's "built-in response mechanism" indicates the adjustment will improve your results.
No, don’t make the change – anytime your mind's "built-in response mechanism" shows the change causes your hips to tilt, stay away from making the adjustment.
Question 3 - How do
you make your change happen?
Yes, I’d make the adjustment - When the way your mind's "built-in response mechanism" keep your body in balance levels your hips, make the adjustment.
No, don’t make the change – Anytime you’re trying to change
some movement within your motion, keep doing what you’re doing.
By using your mind's "built-in response mechanism" to drive your adjustments, you always have a valid reason to make a change and you're guaranteed to produce better results.
- Once you make these adjustments, you'll notice see more people staring at you and wondering why their delivery can't accomplish what they see you do!!!
To become the pitcher you know you can be, contact me.
“My simple, yet extremely powerful, business rule: fix it once and move on!”