Friday, May 8, 2020


With an Inside/Out approach, you stop trying and start producing the elite pitching results you always dreamed you have.

Managing the way you think to move produces better, more sustainable, pitching results than trying to manage the way you see your body move.

The Most Elite Pitchers Use an Inside/Out Approach

When examined closely, 5% of all Pitchers use an Inside/Out process to achieve the elite pitching results you dream of having.

An Inside/Out Mental Process lets your foot placements (the outside) use your body’s inherent reaction patterns to drive your results (the inside).
  • Your foot placements drive your body position at the top of your front leg lift.
  • Your front leg lift body position determines your throwing arm path.
  • Your throwing arm path impacts where the pitch ends up.

With an Inside/Out approach, you stop trying and start producing the elite results you always dreamed you have.

The Rest of the Pitchers Use an Outside/In Approach

Until examined more closely, you represent the 95% of all Pitchers who  use an Outside/In Approach to try and manage your reactions (the outside) as if they were controllable actions (the inside).

Typically an Outside/In Approach deals with the movements you see as you move from your front leg lift into your release.
  • When you experience an unacceptable result, you think to adjust your arm slot.
  • You use trial-and-error to figure out the arm angle that’ll improve your last pitch results.
  • Finally, you use muscle memory to reinforce your new arm slot.

With Outside/in Approach, you feel like you’re always wondering where your next pitch is going to end up.

Effective foot placements produce remarkably consistent results

Your foot placements supply the prompts guaranteed to produce 5%’er results. If you’re a Pitcher or a Pitching Dad who wants to know about their current foot placement, let's talk.
Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to Experience Instant Pitch Improvement

By using the cues your biological need to stay in balance shows us, we teach you a dynamic front leg lift position that sends your ball where you want and with the ball movement you expect.

You want any change to your motion to do two things.

First, you want to feel like your release is less restricted. Second, you want to see a larger portion of your pitches travel into your intended target.

Balance predicts these outcomes.

The more your biological need for balance keeps your throwing arm free to react to your lower body activity, the less restricted your motion feels and, better yet, the more you can expect your pitches to end up going where you want.

On the other hand, the more your biological need for balance uses your throwing arm to offset your stride, the more stressful it becomes to get your ball to end up where you want.

Leg lifts and balance

When your leg lift ends with your back knee to the second base side of your back foot, you can spin into your stride, use your throwing action to keep your body in balance and, on a regular basis, can expect your pitches to travel into your target.

Contrary to this, when your leg lift ends with your back knee over or in front of your back foot, you have to stride toward your target, you use your throwing arm path to offset your stride and you never know where any one pitch will end up.

How to guarantee sustainable improvement

Your “leg lifts and balance” indicate the right changes to your front leg lift is certain to improve your results.  Knowing this, the only way to change your front leg lift becomes adjusting your initial foot placements.

The best news is that simple changes to your foot placements are very measurable and incredibly repeatable and, with the right footwork, your improvement is guaranteed.

Failure is not an option

Our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” teaches you a dynamic front leg lift position that sends your ball where you want and with the ball movement you expect.

Struggling with your results? Wasting time experimenting with your foot placements? Ask us for help!

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pitching Balance Guarantees Sustainability

My “Winning Pitch Location Master Strategies©” will teach you how to use your hand separation to produce the pitch location required to compete at the highest levels.

What is your sequencing?

Next time you look at your motion, focus on your front leg/hand separation sequencing.

When, after you begin your stride, your hands separate, you know your biological need for balance is using your throwing arm path to offset your stride.

When your natural need for balance takes over your throwing arm path, you cannot possibly know with any certainty where any one pitch ends up.

As a result of your stride coming before your hand separation, whether you realize it or not, every pitching session is spent TRYING to figure out a way to control your biological drive for balance. 

The solution is not as simple as you think.

Contrary to widely held beliefs, no one has the will power to simply demand your hand separation to come before your stride.

However, you do have the power to better manage your biological need for balance.

Right now, it is your biological need for balance that ends your front leg lift with your weight over your back foot.

With your weight over your back foot, you have one choice … stride and use your arms for balance.

Therefore, you change your stride/separation sequence by making your weight distribution into your front leg lift more efficient.

Do this and, instead of striding out of your front leg lift, you come out of your front leg lift with your hand separation triggering your stride.

What is in your future?

If you can’t find a way to get your initial legwork to change your hand separation/stride sequence, ask me for help.

My “Winning Pitch Location Master Strategies©will teach you how to use your hand separation to produce the pitch location required to compete at the highest levels.

Want to know more? Contact me through the Pro Pitching Institute website.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach 
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, April 17, 2020

How to Expect Superior Pitching Results

When you have the right footwork, your drive for balance uses your throwing action to complete your delivery.  This means, when you properly manage your biological need for balance, your pitches end up where you want and behave the way you expect.

You're born with a biological balance mechanism whose sole purpose is to satisfy your deep-rooted need for balance.

Your biological balance mechanism turns “on” before you even realize you have an imbalance. Likewise, once your body senses it’s back in balance, your biological balance mechanism turns “off”.

Your biological balance mechanism produces the movements you see

Prior to making any action, your biological balance mechanism must be in the “off” position. This means that any action will cause your weight to shift.

Your weight shift activates your biological balance mechanism. Your imbalance instantly uses your leg, torso and arm movements to get back in balance. Once in balance, you begin this cycle all over again.

This means the only way to control your movements is to obsess over making the right action out of the right starting position.

Your biological balance mechanism determines your arm slot

Your biological balance mechanism uses your footwork to determine your body position at the top of your leg lift.

Your body position at the top of your leg lift tells your biological balance mechanism the throwing arm path to take into your ball release.

You can expect stellar results

When you have the right footwork, your drive for balance uses your throwing action to complete your delivery.

This means, when you properly manage your biological need for balance, your pitches end up where you want and behave the way you expect.

Want to use your biological balance mechanism to your advantage?

Through our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©”, we use your biological balance mechanism patterns to teach you how to expect your pitches to travel directly into your intended target.

Want to know more? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Your pitching future is squarely in your hands

Our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” forces your super-slow-motion delivery to end with a throwing action. Make this happen and your biological patterns are working in your favor!

Your biological drive for balance works in very predictable patterns.

When pitching, you can choose to use these patterns to your advantage, or you can allow them to stand in the way of your success.

You can quickly jeopardize your results

When your movements into your leg lift cause even the slightest balance issue, you end up letting these biological patterns use your throwing arm path for balance.

By allowing your biological patterns to control your throwing arm path, you never know with any certainty where any one pitch ends up, you invite patient hitters to wait for your misses and, in the end, you always seem to struggle to keep your Team close enough to win.

You can permanently enhance your results

When you know the biological patterns that’ll end your front leg lift with your weight centered between your knees, you can rely on another set of biological patterns to use your throwing action for balance.

In the process, your throwing action delivers your pitches where you want, you challenge every hitter to make solid contact with your pitches and you become known for keeping your Team close enough to win.

You can decide your future

Here’s a quick test that’ll speak volumes.

When you make a super-slow-motion delivery, do your biological patterns stop your delivery as your front foot hits the ground? If the answer is “yes”, you’re letting your biological patterns work against you.

Our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” forces your super-slow-motion delivery to end with a throwing action. Make this happen and your biological patterns are working in your favor!

Want to know more? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Come back from the pandemic a better Pitcher

To come back from the pandemic a better Pitcher than when you left, find a way to use your biological need for balance to force your super-slow motion to end with you having to make a throwing action.

To come back to the mound from the pandemic better and stronger than you left may seem daunting, but, when you use your biological need for balance to your advantage, it’s very possible.

During the pandemic and with the stay-in-place directives, you don’t have the luxury of seeing the results of any change you make to your motion and, when you do, the sample is so small that you can’t tell with any certainty what impact the change has.

In these trying times, how can you improve your results?

You start by analyzing elite pitching motions and notice, without exception, how each Pitcher’s body unravels from the bottom up.

Next, you realize what you see is determined by their body’s biological need for balance. This means that, whether in slow-motion or at game speed, these Pitchers know how to use their throwing action to get their bodies back in balance.

Use your slow-motion delivery to predict your results.

With this in mind, let’s use your super-slow-motion delivery as your personal benchmark.

When, because you use your throwing arm for balance into your stride,  your slow-motion delivery stops as your front foot hits the ground, you can’t know with any certainty where any one pitch will end up.

On the other hand, just like these elite Pitchers, when you end your stride using your throwing action for balance, you use your biological needs to deliver your pitches directly into your intended target.

A pandemic challenge guaranteed to improve your pitching

To come back from the pandemic a better Pitcher than when you left, find a way to use your biological need for balance to force your super-slow motion to end with you having to make a throwing action.

We can guarantee you come back from the pandemic a better Pitcher

After 25+years of studying how a Pitcher’s biological need for balance relates to their pitching results, we know from your slow-motion delivery your readiness for delivering your pitches directly into your targets.

During your slow-motion delivery, if you can’t figure out how to end your stride with a throwing action, ask us to use one of our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” to help you come back from the pandemic better and stronger than ever.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Past Second Opinion Tuesday Responses

A Pitcher’s body is biologically driven to keep itself in balance. Our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” uses your biologically wiring to produce the pitch location Pitchers need to excel on the mound.

These are all the “Second Opinion Tuesday” questions and responses.

4/28 - What part of your motion has the greatest impact on your results?

Your initial footwork has the greatest impact on your results. 

Your legwork before your front foot comes off the ground determines your body position at the top of your front leg lift. From the top of your front leg lift, your body either uses your throwing arm to get your body back in balance or uses your throwing action to keep your body in balance.

When you use your throwing arm to get you back in balance, you let your drive for balance take over your throwing arm path and you’re never know for sure where any one pitch ends up. When your throwing action keeps you in balance, you can expect a large percent of your pitches to travel directly into your intended target.

Unsure how to change your initial footwork? We’re here to help.

4/21 – Without throwing, how can you measure your pitch location?

When you make a super-slow-motion pitching delivery, do you stride out of your front leg lift?

If this is the case, your hands separating after you begin your stride means your biological need for balance is using your throwing arm path to balance your stride. Let this happen and you can’t know with any certainty where any one pitch ends up.

If you’re like the most elite Pitchers, your upper body rotation spins your body into your stride and your biological need for balance uses your throwing action to send your pitches into your intended target with the ball movement you expect.

Can’t spin down the mound from your current front leg lift? Contact me for some virtual instruction.

4/14 - Is there such a thing as an “ideal stride length”?

If you’re a Pitcher who struggles with location, the right stride length supplies the tempo you need to better location your pitches.

Our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” produces a natural stride length proven to eliminate tempo from your motion while you still deliver your pitches directly into your target.

4/7 - How can you expect a consistently productive arm slot?

You use your biological need for balance to get you into the same leg lift position on every motion which leads to the same movements as you move toward your target which forces your body to move your throwing arm through the same arm slot on every pitch.

3/31 – How do I improve my pitch location without seeing where my ball ends up?

One of the “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” is practicing your delivery in slow motion. When you make your slow motion delivery and you can’t help but end your stride with a throwing action, you can be certain, if you were the same motion at game speed, your ball is more than likely to finish very close to your intended target.

3/24 - How do you use video to get better?

This is a trick question.There’s a real problem with trying to reproduce what you see in 2-dimensions in a 3-dimensional world.

For example, when you see an individual stride in 2 dimensions, without knowing how to read his physical reactions, you have no idea whether the person strides straight, to the right or to the left.

With this in mind, without studying how what you see in 2-dimensions relates to the 3-dimensional world, using a video to improve your pitching can cause more issues than you realize.

Videos not working? Let our “Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” help you turn your motion into the motion you want to copy.

3/17 – How does balance play into my pitch location?

Picture walking a balance beam or teetering over the support beam on a seesaw. You make any movement and, without you thinking about it, your body automatically reacts to the opposite side.

In pitching, when you end your stride with your weight shifted to your glove hand side, the only way for your body to get back in balance is to make a throwing action. Combine this with a laser focus on your target and your body spontaneously delivers every pitch directly into your target.

3/10 – Relative to your back-foot, where do you want your back knee before you begin your front leg lift?

The more your back knee is over your back foot, the greater the probability your pitch ends up where you plan, but, to maximize their location, we teach our Pitchers how to end their front leg lift with your back-knee to the second base side of their back foot.

3/3- What free tool drives every pitch result?

Gravity is a free tool for all to use.  We teach you how to use gravity to your advantage. Without knowing how to manage gravity or by merely ignoring its existence, you’re letting gravity destroy your pitching career.

2/25 - What is the single and most important physical choice you have to make during your pitching motion?

Your foot placements.
Your initial foot placements drive your body position at the top of your front leg lift and your body position at the top of your front leg lift determines your next pitch location.

2/18 - What's the one thing you don't do, but should be doing, that'll guarantee pitch location?

Have your hand separation out of your front leg lift begin your movement toward your target.
When you make your first movement out of your front leg lift your stride, you're going to use your throwing arm for balance and, consequently, won't know with any certainty where any one pitch will end.

2/11 - What ONE thing can you do to immediately tighten your target area?

Unless you eliminate gravity from impacting your front leg lift, your pitch location is doomed before your front foot comes off the ground.

2/4 - Why is it that, even though you have a laser focus on your location, you still have trouble with your location?

Your mind's supercomputer is programmed to keep your body in balance. When a single movement creates an imbalance, your mind uses your throwing arm for balance and, consequently, you never know where any one pitch will end up. Resolve the movement creating your imbalance and you immediately tighten your target area. Don't know which movement is causing your imbalance.

Have your own question/comment leave it in the comment section and, when I choose your question, I’ll post which one of the "Winning Pitch Location Strategies©" I'd use to tighten your target area.

Don't have a question this week? Think of questions you'd like to ask and post them anytime!

Skip Fast
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach

© 2020, Pro Pitching Institute