Showing posts with label #ElitebyChoice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ElitebyChoice. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2020

Produce Million$ Pitching Results

“Trying” indicates you may not know as much as you think.

When you’re “trying”, you’re “testing”.

When you’re “testing”, your cutting an already too short pitching career even shorter.

You also risk failing to realize the upper limits of your pitching potential.

Think of your body as a clearinghouse.

Your movements send messages to your body. Your body interprets these messages and decides which arm slot your throwing arm moves through.

When you “try”, you’re attempting to figure out how to send your body the right messages in the right order.

However, when you know how to move, you give your body everything it needs to produce the Million$ Pitching results you’re desperately “trying” to find.

Stop “trying”, start producing Million$ Results

If you were in one of my programs, we’d use video chat or an in-person pitching motion to show me how you move.

In less than 10-minutes, without asking you to change your throwing action, I’ll show you how to immediately and consistently show every Opponent a Million$ fastball arm speed, have your pitches produce Million$ late stage ball movement and, at the same time, expect Million$ command.

Want Million$ results? Let’s talk!

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Million$ Pitcher Pitching Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Discover more Pro Pitching Institute insights and cutting-edge articles at 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Comparisons breed frustration.


Comparisons breed frustration.

It’s human nature to compare, compete and measure your success against the accomplishments of others.

Most believe, when you copy a successful pitching motion, pitching success is yours ...or is it?

Comparisons are unfair.

You know yourself better than you know anyone else.

As a result, you compare the worst of you against the best of others.

You set out trying to do the impossible … make your actions duplicate another person’s reactions.

Your competition isn’t against others.

In pitching, your only competition is you.

To be the best pitching version of yourself, you need to stop these foolish comparisons from robbing you of your energy, your focus, and your pitching career.

In the moment, you might think you’re doing the right thing, but eventually you’ll come to understand what a waste of time it is trying to copy someone else.

Your battle isn’t against others. Your war is within your own heart, your mind, and your soul.

Compete against yourself and the path to your pitching dreams becomes clear.

Compete Against Yourself

Want to stop comparing and start succeeding? Contact us.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Way You Measure Your Changes Can Hold You Back!


If you’re like most Pitchers, you measure the changes you make to your motion by tracking your results.

Trying to improve your results by measuring your results doesn’t make sense???

A Better Measurement

Let’s work backwards into a more realistic measurement.

1. Improved results come from your lower body sending your pitch into your target.

2. To get your lower body to pull your throwing arm into release, your lower body must rotate into the end of your stride.

3. To end your stride with a lower body rotation, you must come out of your front leg lift opening your front shoulder to your target.

4. To open your front shoulder out of your front leg lift, you must end your front leg lift with your weight balanced between your knees.

Therefore, when you make your weight distribution at the top of your front leg lift your sole focus, you can count on your results to quickly and permanently improve.

Need Help with Your Results?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches the 3 simple movements guaranteed to end your front leg lift with your weight between your knees.

Want to simplify your pitching motion while you permanently improve results? Contact us.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, October 23, 2020


The Key to Best-in-Class Pitching Results

When you swat a fly, you roll up a newspaper and “wham” the fly is history. This is your right brain reacting to the circumstance.

Once you had the newspaper in hand, your left-brain self-talk didn’t include your arm angle, your weight shift, how far you were going to step. You just swatted the fly!

The Best Pitchers Trust Their Right-Brain

During your pitching motion, the more your left-brain actions end your front leg lift with your weight centered between your knees, the more your right-brain throwing response sends your pitches into your target.

Change your right-brain responses as if they were controllable left-brain actions and you won’t see as many pitches travel into your target as you want and, in the end, might not realize your full potential.

The Fix is Simple

The art of producing best-in-class pitching results always follows the same progression.

- First, you understand how your left and right brains interact.
- Next, your left-brain actions send your right brain the appropriate messages.
- Finally, you trust your right-brain will send your pitches into your target.

Want to use less effort to produce more consecutive best-in-class outings? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.


Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Guarantee Lower Body Engagement


With the right preparation, your right-brain turns your lower body involvement into a foregone conclusion, gets your pitches to travel directly into your target, and challenges the best trained Hitters to make solid contact with any pitch you throw.

Lower Body Engagement is Instinctive

Your right-side brain.

  • Your right-side brain uses your left-brain driven front leg lift to determine how you end your stride.
  • Your right-brain reacts and is the more athletic side of your brain.

Your left-side brain.

  • Your left brain controls your movements into your front leg lift.
  • Your left-side brain acts and is not nearly as athletic as your right-side brain.

Properly synchronize your left and right-side brains and you give yourself everything needed to engage your lower body.

Your front leg lift determines your lower body engagement.

Lower Body Engagement: When you end your front leg lift with your weight centered between your knees, your right-side brain uses your lower body to send your pitches directly into your target.

Searching for Lower Body Engagement; When you end your front leg lift with your weight over or well in front of your back foot, you’re forced to make the split-second, neurologically impossible arm slot adjustments that you hope are good enough to send your pitches directly into your target.

Cater to Your Right-Side Brain

Well-planned left-brain actions into your front leg lift forces your right-brain to use your lower body to get your pitches to travel directly into your target. Do this and you find yourself challenging the best trained Hitters to make solid contact with any pitch you throw.

Want to know more? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Your Inner Ear Determines Your Pitching Results


Pro Pitching Institute

Your inner ear doesn’t care about your results.  It only cares about your balance.

Your inner ear constantly monitors your balance, continually sends your brain balance updates, and, to make sure you stay in balance, lets your mind commandeer your body parts.

Your inner ear turns pitching into a very black and white activity.

One choice is your inner ear realizes your body is in balance. In this instance, your inner ear frees your throwing arm to automatically send your pitches directly into your target.

The other choice is that your inner ear senses an imbalance. In this case, your inner ear  uses your throwing arm to keep your body in balance and, because your inner ear took control of your arm path, you never know with any certainty where any one pitch will end up.

With a focus on how your movements impact your inner ear, you develop a sustainable roadmap to pitching success.

There IS no middle ground.

Your movements either maintain your balance or create an imbalance. There is no middle ground.

This tells you there’s one, and only one, movement pattern that’ll get your inner ear to deliver your pitches where you want.

Control Your Inner Ear.

When your pitches regularly miss your target by an unacceptable distance, your inner ear is using your throwing arm for balance.

Unlike any pitching program anywhere, by helping you manage the signals your movements send to your inner ear, we guarantee you’ll produce the results you need to fulfill your wildest pitching dreams.

Want to know more? visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, October 2, 2020

A One Size Pitching Motion DOES Fit All


Pro Pitching Institute

The facts show ...

1. Any single movement creates a ripple effect throughout your entire body.

2. The ONLY outside influence on your chain reactions is gravity.

3. By eliminating gravity from your motion and carefully managing your movements, your actions produce predictable responses with uncanny precision.

Armed with this information, there’s nothing stopping you from repeatedly sending your pitches directly into your intended target.

Your Sustainable ONE SIZE FITS ALL Model

Every efficient ONE SIZE FITS ALL motion contains these elements.

- You begin your motion with your weight balanced just to the home plate side of your back foot,

- Your front leg lift keeps your weight to the home plate side of your back foot.

- From there. your glove side will turn your upper body, your upper body will turn your hips, your hip action will force you to stride, even while you stride and through the end of your stride your back hip will continue to move forward, and, to get your body back in balance, your body will make a throwing action that’ll send your pitches directly into your target with uncanny precision.

Your ONE SIZE FITS ALL delivery guarantees your results become very automatic, extremely predictable, and surprisingly simple to execute.

Stop Searching and Start Doing

You can get your ONE SIZE FITS ALL motion at the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248


Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Stop “Feeling” for Your Target


Pro Pitching Institute

Fact: Your throwing action is a result of your body self-correcting your weight transfers.

Most Pitchers search for a “feel”

A Pitcher’s “feel” is the sensation they experience between their weight transfer out of their front leg lift and their throwing action.

If you’re like most Pitchers, when you experience the result you want, you associate your result with a “feel”.

Find the right “feel” and your throwing arm sends your pitches directly into your intended target. Struggle to find the “feel” you want, and your throwing arm takes on a life of its own.

Elite Pitchers Don’t “Feel”, They Know.

Elite Pitchers come into their stride without having to shift their weight.

Instead, they generate a rotational force where they make their body end their stride with a glove side weight shift.

Elite Pitchers rely on their natural instincts to self-correct their glove side weight shift and automatically send their pitches directly into their target.

Their physical movement patterns remove the need to “feel” a productive arm slot and, as such, they can expect their pitches to go where they want and behave the way they expect.

Stop Searching and Start Doing

Lost as to where your journey to producing elite results begins? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Are You a Behavior or Results Driven Pitcher?


Pro Pitching Institute

“Behavior Driven Pitchers” Excel

“Behavior Driven Pitchers’” hand separations initiate their stride, their stride prompts their throwing action and their throwing action gets each pitch to travel directly into their intended target.

“Behavior Driven Pitchers” trust their body to help them succeed in a sport build around failure.

So much so that when a “Behavior Driven Pitcher” misses their target over the plate, they know their body puts so much late stage ball movement on the pitch that even professional Hitters will struggle to drive the ball.

“Results Driven Pitchers” Hope to Excel

As “Results Driven Pitchers” move down the mound, they use their throwing arm to keep their body in balance.

 “Results Driven Pitchers” fail to realize or don’t want to accept the fact that once they begin to move down the mound, they’ve lost control of their throwing arm path.

Consequently, “Results Driven Pitchers” waste their valuable time trying to find a throwing arm path (they can’t control) to produce the results they want.

Much like a dog chasing his tail, if you're a “Results Driven Pitcher”, until you change your focus from your results to your behaviors, your pitching career goes in circles.

Get Your Behaviors to Produce Your Results

Our programs produce “Behavior Driven Pitchers”. Want to join this elite group, but don’t know how? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Add To Your Pitching Knowledge


Pro Pitching Institute


It’s a known fact that your body is either in balance or moving to get itself back in balance.

When you push off the rubber, you drive down the mound, use your throwing arm for balance, and lose control of your throwing arm into your release.

There’s another, more effective, pitching model.

The Best Pitchers Rotate Down the Mound and Use their Throwing Action to Get Back in Balance 

Rotating down the mound occurs as a result of you letting “your lower body” drive your motion.

  • An Alternate Storyline - Place a light weight on the end of a string, and slowly twirl the weight around your hand. Every time the weight completes a circle, the weight comes through the same spot and, even with a minimal hand action, produces so much energy that you’d think twice about putting your hand in the weight’s path.

  • The Pitching Elements within This Storyline - The string represents your throwing arm.
    - Your forearm and hand relate to your core. - The weight coming through the same spot all the time symbolizes your release window. - The energy the weight generates relates to your throwing arm whip
  • Rotating Down the Motion - When you end your front leg lift with an upright core, you can open your front shoulder to begin your rotation down the mound.

  • Your front shoulder spin whips your throwing hand through the same spot on every pitch. Duplicate your front leg lift from one pitch to the next and you can expect your throwing arm to whip your pitches into your intended target.

  • Where can you see this? - Watch how frequently a Big-League Pitcher at the top of the Team’s depth chart delivers their pitches into their intended target.

If you move down the mound, can’t know where any one pitch will end, then let's talk.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Is your Coach holding you back?


Pro Pitching Institute

A Pitcher quickly finds out when he asks his Coach this question ... “What can I do to get my lower body more involved in my motion?”

1. “I’M NOT SURE, BUT . . . “
For starters, it’s okay not to be sure how to teach lower body engagement. But saying “I’m not sure” undercuts a Coach’s credibility and isn’t something a Pitcher wants to hear.

When a Coach says, “I sort of think” or “I kind of suspect,” it’s clear they don’t really know how to teach lower body engagement and, as a result, is holding back your development.

“Maybe,” “possibly,” “probably,” “basically,” “largely,” and “hopefully” are all phrases that smack of doubt. When you hear these phrases, the Coach flat out doesn’t know how to get your lower body more involved. 

“I thought I should mention that . . . ” or, “I was thinking we should . . . “? are ways to present concepts without knowing the answer. Compare these past tense phrases to these clear messages “I want to mention . . .” and “I think we should . . .”. When your Coach answers your questions in the past tense, your pitching career might not go in the direction you want.

Once you make the adjustments your Coach recommends and throw your first pitch, the fact you use less effort to deliver your pitch into your target tells you that you want to keep this Coach on your side.

If the 5th option sounds good to you, let's talk.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Your Future is Written in How You Think About Your Lower Body


Pro Pitching Institute

You have two choices …

1.    Treat your lower body as a separate action or

By treating your lower body engagement as a separate action, you tend to rely on your stride tempo to send your pitches into the strike zone. When your stride tempo drives your command, your stride tempo becomes something that can’t be guaranteed from one outing to the next.

2.    You treat your lower body as a reaction .

By making subtle adjustments to your front leg lift position, without thinking about it, you  add your lower body to your current motion. By doing so, your throwing action becomes a physical reaction to your lower body activity, and, as a physical reaction, you can  expect your pitches to travel directly into your Catcher’s mitt. Better yet, you turn into the dominant Pitcher everyone wants on their Team.

If you want to turn your lower body engagement from something you do into something that happens, contact me.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Winning Pitch Location Strategies©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Survey Says … Pitch Command

Pro Pitching Institute

A survey of 120+ College Coaches and some Travel Ball, High School and Private Pitching Instructors asked participants to rate the most important pitching-related factors.

When asked to rank these factors in the order of importance, this is their response.

Command - 81%
Movement - 18%
velocity - 1%

This survey contradicts the myth that velocity is what Coaches want to see. Coaches are looking for Pitchers who can locate their pitches within the strike zone over Pitchers with lights-out velocity.

Lower Body Engagement Drives Command.

Getting a Pitcher’s lower body to drive his results isn’t a conscious action. Lower body engagement is something a Pitching Coach adds to a Pitcher’s current stockpile of skills.

Once added, a Pitcher produces the command that’ll tease influential baseball people to sit up and take notice.

Experience Fastball Command Today

By adding a Pitcher’s lower body to their current delivery, the Pitcher’s body flows into release, a Pitcher’s command becomes much more sustainable and the Pitcher attracts next level attention.

Need better command? Need better lower body involvement? Want to attract next level Coaches? Let’s talk.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
Instant Fastball Command Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Orchid Hypothesis

We believe, for the health and welfare of Pitchers everywhere, it’s time for Coaches to take the science behind pitch location more seriously.

Even with flaws, any individual’s pitching is as hardy as a dandelion; able to take root just about anywhere and, when ignored, come back year after year.

Anyone can grow a dandelion, but only a Pitching Coach who nurtures their dandelion with neurological, physiological, and psychological science can build the delicate, mysterious orchid called predictable fastball command. 

Coaching Today

The notion a Coach can grow an orchid contradicts how most Coaches teach pitching today.

 Most Coaches, even Professional Coaches, haven’t taken, don’t take, the time to discover the science behind pitch location. If they did so, the orchid would take over the dandelion as the standard for fastball command.

The Next Generation of Coaches

That’s why Pitchers we work with get so excited and are so appreciative when we show them how easy it is to expect each pitch to travel into their target.

We believe, for the health and welfare of Pitchers everywhere, it’s time for Coaches to take the science behind pitch location more seriously.

By doing so, more Coaches will turn dandelions into the orchids you see at the top of every Big-League depth chart.

Experience Fastball Command Today

We use 5 easily executed, simply presented skills to guarantee fastball command.

Not satisfied with your pitch location. Let’s talk.

Skip Fast
Instant Fastball Command Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248


Friday, July 31, 2020

Work Smart, Not Hard

Pro Pitching Institute

During a pitching motion, every time a Pitcher shifts his weight his body will self-correct and every self-correction will change his throwing arm path.

It’s physically impossible to stop a Pitcher’s self-corrections, but it is possible to manage them.

A Pitcher Works Hard When His Self-Corrections Manage Him

A Pitcher who works hard is trying to figure out a weight shift pattern that’ll take his throwing arm through the same path on every pitch.

On an outing by outing basis, a Pitcher eventually finds a productive arm slot, but, since there’s no way to duplicate this feeling from one outing to the next, dominant back-to-back outings become few and far between.

A Pitcher Works Smart When He Manages His Self-Corrections

A Pitcher who works smart works with someone who’s trained to make his throwing action his only self-correction. By doing this, his throwing arm comes through the same path on every pitch, and he can expect his pitches to travel directly into his target.

A Pitcher who uses his throwing action as his only self-correction turns his pitching results into a repeatable physical reaction.

With the Right Coach, a Pitcher Manages His Weight Shifts

The right self-corrections at the right time lead to pitches traveling directly into a Pitcher’s intended target. To the trained eye, a Coach uses a Pitcher’s disruptive weight shift patterns as a tool to make the Pitcher’s only self-correction his throwing action.

Our programs instantly spot disruptive throwing arm self-corrections. Instead of working hard, we give the Pitcher a simply executed and amazingly effective way to permanently change his movement patterns, and, by doing so, transition a throwing arm self-correction into a  desired, lower body-prompted, throwing action self-correction.

Not satisfied with your results. Let’s talk.

Skip Fast
“Lower Body Driven by Choice, Not Chance”

Pro Pitching Institute
“Law of Self-Correction©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The “Law of Self-Correction©” Guarantees Pitching Success

In terms of a Pitcher’s “self-corrections”, when a Pitcher dissect his delivery, a tremendously complex pitching motion becomes extremely easy to understand. Better yet, “self-corrections” give ALL Pitchers, both young and old, a very concise, yet easily executed, road map to their Big-League pitching success.

The “Law of Self-Correction©”.

After 25+ years of working with Pitchers, an “ah-ha” moment produced one simply presented, all-inclusive statement that explains what happens in ALL pitching motions.

The “Law of Self-Correction©”

“A Pitcher’s pitching results are dictated by the way his body self-corrects his weight distribution.”

After applying the “Law of Self-Correction©” to thousands of pitching motions over many years, Pitchers can be guaranteed it’ll optimize their pitch location, enhance their throwing arm speed, and ace any statistical benchmark anyone wants to throw their way.

The “Law of Self-Correction©” Has a Solid Scientific Foundation

You already know about “Self-Corrections”
Your “self-correction” reflex is at work every second of every day but is most noticeable when your arms seemingly take on a life of their own.

You typically lose control of your arms when you walk a balance beam, walk on slick ice, steer a bike over a mountain trail, step on a pebble with your bare foot, take a bad step, walk a tight rope, etc., but it especially happens when a Pitcher makes a throwing action.

What are the factors behind “self-corrections”?
Environmental and physiological factors combine to produce your “self-corrections”.

     Gravity keeps your body anchored to the ground.
     A carpenter level-like mechanism within your inner ear monitors gravity’s impact on your weight distribution.
     When your inner ear senses a weight shift, to get your weight back in balance, your body “self-corrects”.

In terms of a Pitcher’s “self-corrections”, when a Pitcher dissect his delivery, a tremendously complex pitching motion becomes extremely easy to understand. Better yet, “self-corrections” give ALL Pitchers, both young and old, a very concise, yet easily executed, road map to their Big-League pitching success.

Want to put the “Self-Correcting Principle©” to work for you? Let’s talk.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
Self-Correcting Principle©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Why Do Elite Pitchers Outperform Everyone Else?

We teach Pitchers how to separate their hands at the same time they stride. As a result, they can expect to deliver their pitches directly into their target and, consequently, keep their Team close enough to win each game they pitch.
An example of beginning your stride THEN separating your hands.

There are two categories of Pitchers in the World.

There are ...
1. The Elite Big-League Pitcher who can expect their pitches to travel directly into their target.
2. Everyone else.

What do Elite Pitchers do that others don’t?

Watch any elite Big-League Pitcher and you see a Pitcher who begins their hand separation at the same time they begin their stride.

Why does this happen? When your hand separation occurs at the same time you stride, you allow your lower body to produce the Big-League fastball command needed to challenge Big-League Hitters to reach base.

What does Everyone Else do?

Watch any Pitcher who begins their stride then separates their hands and you’re watching a Pitcher who can’t establish their fastball.

Why does this happen? When you stride out of your front leg lift, you naturally use your throwing arm to offset your forward weight shift. When you see your hands separating after you begin your stride, you know you’re using your throwing arm for balance, you’re forcing your throwing arm to always catch up with your body and, consequently you can’t know with any certainty where any one pitch will end up.

Become an Elite Pitcher.

We teach Pitchers how to separate their hands at the same time they stride. As a result, they can expect to deliver their pitches directly into their target and, consequently, keep their Team close enough to win each game they pitch.

Want to know more? Let’s talk.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Fastball Command Sequencing Plans©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, July 10, 2020

It’s never too early to discover pitch location

Getting your lower body to deliver your pitches into your target without changing your entire delivery is complicated but, when you understand how your body parts interact with one another, is very doable.

How good a Pitcher are you?

Pitchers don’t need pitch location to produce good stats. This is because developing Hitters ...
  • Allow the pitch count to swing to the Pitcher’s advantage.
  • Swing at pitches they shouldn’t.
  • Are learning to adjust their approach at the plate, pull inside pitches and know when to check their swings.

Big-League Hitters are done developing. The only way to get them out is to place your pitches in a spot where they can’t drive the ball.

It’s never too early to develop a Big-League pitch location.

No matter your age, your body works the same way as everyone else and, knowing this, it’s never too early to learn how to get your lower body to deliver your pitches into your target.

Again, no matter your age, you locate your pitches against the untrained Hitters you face, and your Big-League pitch location is sure to attract lots of attention from lots of influential baseball people.

Lower Body Engagement

There’s no magic formula for getting your lower body to drive your pitches, but, unless you think of your lower body engagement as something that happens, not something you do, you’re unlikely to produce the Big-League pitch location that’ll drive a very productive pitching career

Don’t know what impacts your lower body activity?

Getting your lower body to deliver your pitches into your target without changing your entire delivery is complicated but, when you understand how your body parts interact with one another, is very doable.

Unsure how this works? Don’t know someone who can do this? … then visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch Location Success Plans©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Baseball Pitching Predicament becomes Your Dilemma

Professional Organizations invite Lower-Level Pitchers with the best “feel” for their pitch location to fill their Big-League openings

As a Pitcher, you mistakenly grow up thinking velocity, not pitch location, is your ticket to your Big-League pitching dreams.

By the time you realize Big-League Hitters are better equipped to drive your mistakes than you’re equipped to hit your spots, it might be too late to change the course of your pitching career.

How does Baseball deal with this disparity?

Professional Organizations invite Lower-Level Pitchers with the best “feel” for their pitch location to fill their Big-League openings.

When these Lower-Level Pitchers test their skill against Big-League Hitters, the Pitcher can only “hope” to keep their pitches out of the Big-League Hitters hitting zone.

Unfortunately, a “feel” for the strike zone is something that’s very personal and, consequently, isn’t teachable.

Therefore, the Lower-Level Pitchers who get a chance to pitch in the Bigs rarely live their Big-League dreams for long.

We build pitching futures.

  • Shows you how to turn your “feel” for the strike zone into the expectation that your pitches will travel directly into your target
  • No matter your age or skill level, teaches you how to discourage Hitters from driving your pitches.
  • Gives you the opportunity to move up the Baseball Ladder smoothly and seamlessly.

Want the skills needed to live your pitching dreams? Visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“A Pitcher’s Pitch Location Success Plan©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Don’t Let Hitters Steal Your MLB Pitching Dreams

The only way to stop these skilled Hitters from stealing your MLB pitching dreams is for “Your MLB Pitching Success Plan©” to deliver your pitches directly into a target that’s been placed in a hard to hit spot.

The MLB Business Model wants you to succeed but doesn’t support your success.

Every Professional Pitcher and every Positional Player dream of having an MLB career.

- A Pitcher’s MLB pitching dreams ride on their ability to neutralize a constant flow of extremely talented Hitters. 
- A Hitter’s MLB dreams hinge on their ability to make the Pitcher constantly pay for their mistakes.

A high-end fastball can turn you into a Professional Pitcher, but to realize your MLB pitching dreams, you need to navigate your way around a constant stream of Hitters wanting to achieve their MLB dreams.

The only way to stop these skilled Hitters from stealing your MLB pitching dreams is for you to deliver your pitches directly into a target that’s been placed in a hard to hit spot.

Reality Check
Because MLB Organizations have lots of Pitchers in their Minor League system, they can fill their MLB openings with Pitchers who they think are ready to challenge MLB Hitters.

When a Pitcher gets their MLB call-up, but can’t locate their pitches, a stream of top-notch Hitters will reach base and the Organization will have no choice but to send the Pitcher back down.

We bridge the gap between professional pitchers and MLB inning eaters.

As just one example, after registering an 8.22 ERA over 7.2 innings during his first-ever MLB call up, a first-round MLB draft pick asked us to help him with his pitch location. We eliminated what was negatively impacting his location and, in his next call up, he started 22 MLB games while posting a 5.08 ERA over 117 innings.

Want to know what “Your Pitching Success Plan©” looks like?  Let’s talk.

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Pro Pitching Institute
“A Pitcher’s Your MLB Pitching Success Plan©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

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