Getting your pitches to travel
directly into your target is a simple game of “connect the dots”.
If you’re like most Pitchers, you treat
your movements as if they were a pile of unrelated dots.
Case in point, you treat your stride,
arm slot, front leg lift, foot plant as if they were independent actions, separate
To achieve your Big-League
pitching dreams, you must connect your dots.
The Invisible Dot Connector
Your dot connector is invisible. This
invisible dot is your body’s urge to keep itself in balance.
Your urge to stay in balance begins
tying your motion, your dots, together the instant your front foot comes off
the ground.
Your invisible urge to keep your body
in balance uses …
- Your foot placements create a
dynamically balanced front leg lift,
- Your stable front leg lift keeps your arms free to produce the cascading
movements you’re used to seeing, and
- Forces your body to use your throwing
action to get itself back in balance.
A focus on this invisible dot
automates your ball release and, consequently, let you expect each pitch to
travel directly into your intended target.
Expect to Win
Want a simple way to “connect your dots”? Set up a free 15-minute conversation with Coach Skip to
talk about next steps.
Coach Skip Fast
Pitching Institute
“Million$ Pitcher Pitching Strategies©”
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248
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