My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you balance and your Starting Position.
Level Shoulders indicate balance and Shoulders with tilt means
your Body is out of balance.
Titled Shoulders
In your Starting Position, any sort of Shoulder tilt means
your Body compensates for an imbalance.
When you go into your motion, your Throwing Arm adjusts for
the imbalance by expanding your target line.
The ball goes somewhere between your natural release point
and the spot where you want your ball to go.
You run the risk of the ball missing your target.
Level Shoulders
When your Shoulders are level, your Throwing Hand
miraculously stays in line with your target.
Your ball goes into your target with great consistency, and
you locate pitches with uncanny regularity.
Accomplishing This?
Want your Body to produce a better separation?
The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your separation,
or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.
Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute