Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Final Word on “Closed” and “Open” Front Shoulders.

A “closed front shoulder” is the least direct path to the pitching legacy you dream of having. However, virtually overnight, every movement we teach in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” forces your “open front shoulder” to take your throwing hand through the same productive release point on every pitch.

Just so we’re on the same page

Command occurs when there’s an extremely high probability that your next pitch will go directly into your target. Command turns you into the-most-sought-after commodity in baseball.

Control occurs when there’s an elevated chance you’re going to throw a strike, but you really don’t know with any certainty where any one pitch will end up. Control makes you ordinary.

The birth of “a closed front shoulder”

You notice that, when you land your foot plant with an “open front shoulder”, you struggle to control your pitches.

You also note that, when you land your foot plant with a “closed front shoulder”, even though you’re not using your lower body, you do have more control over your pitches than with an “open front shoulder”.

Your conclusion becomes, to throw more strikes, to be more competitive, you must land your foot plant with a “closed front shoulder”.

When you decide to land your foot plant with a “closed front shoulder”, you’re settling for “control” and  continually searching for “command”.

Where does “command” come from?

“Command” comes from your lower body whipping your throwing hand into release, but ironically, to make this happen your foot plant must feature an “open front shoulder”.

To appreciate this, you must understand that your shoulders move your hips. You can demonstrate this for yourself by standing on one leg, flexing your back knee and twisting your shoulders. The instant your shoulders twist your hips rotate.

“Command” comes from your shoulders spinning your body into your foot plant. In the blink of an eye, the torque your lower body creates rockets up your core and into your throwing arm. Your throwing arm reacts with the whipping action that produces the sustainable “command” you’re forever searching to find.

Revisiting your “closed front shoulder”

Armed with this information, you now know that, when you land with a “closed front shoulder”, your lack of shoulder activity turns your lower body movement into an afterthought.

Consequently, with a “closed front shoulder”, the only thing you can do is throw the ball and, with your throwing arm working by itself, you can’t know where any one pitch will end up!

Discover “command”.

A “closed front shoulder” is the least direct path to the pitching legacy you dream of having. However, virtually overnight, every movement we teach in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” forces your “open front shoulder” to take your throwing hand through the same productive release point on every pitch.
Want to achieve your pitching dreams? Contact me.

Skip Fast
“Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” Coach and Mentor
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How you’re innocently blocking your improvement?

Trial-and-error is the least direct path to the pitching legacy you dream of having. However, virtually overnight, every movement in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” uses your one-leg posture to take your throwing hand through the same productive release point on every pitch.

What you know.

You spend a huge chunk your life with both feet touching the ground.
What you don’t realize is that your subconscious is continually monitoring your balance, constantly using your legs to balance your body and, when in balance, allows you to move anyway you want, anytime you want.

Because your subconscious makes your balance seem so natural and automatic, you come to believe you have complete control over your movements.

There are different rules when one foot comes off the ground.

When balanced on one foot, it’s easy to believe you have the same total control over your actions as you do on 2 feet, but this can’t be further from the truth.

When perched on one foot, to compensate for your other leg not being there to balance your body, your subconscious begins manipulating your arms, legs and torso.

Every time your subconscious goes into this balancing routine, you lose conscious control of your movements. Only when your subconscious senses your body is back in balance do you have the 2-legged control over your movements that you’re used to.

In  the process, by thinking you can move the same way with one foot on the ground as with two, you destroy your pitching results, shorten your pitching career and risk throwing arm distress.

Why you can’t succeed?

In theory, based upon the way you know your body works with both feet anchored on the ground, there seems to be no justifiable reason you can’t bring your throwing hand through the same productive release point on every pitch.

However, when you treat the way your body works on one-foot the same as with both feet, you complicate your results, never know where any one pitch will end up and make trial-and-error the foundation for any improvement you might see.

We teach success.

Trial-and-error is the least direct path to the pitching legacy you dream of having. However, virtually overnight, every movement in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” uses your one-leg posture to take your throwing hand through the same productive release point on every pitch.
Want to achieve your pitching dreams? Contact me.

Skip Fast
“Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” Coach and Mentor
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What you don’t know that you need to know?

Trial-and-error isn’t the least direct path to the pitching legacy you dream of having. However, virtually overnight, every movement in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” turns your pitching dream into an achievable reality.

Your body is driven to keep itself in balance.

It’s how and when you achieve your balance that determines your pitching legacy.

Understanding what you see.

When you stride, to complete your delivery, 3 things must happen.

First, your body uses your arms to offset your forward weight shift. Next, you complete your stride. 

Finally, your legs bring your weight back to center.

To the naked eye, it looks like, the instant your front foot makes contact with the ground, you immediately begin your throwing action.

The fact is that, because your unconscious mind works 50,000 times faster than you can think, you can’t physically complete your motion until your mind stops using your arms for balance.

Once your body doesn’t need your arms for balance, as a separate and unsupported action, you’re able to complete your delivery.

When you feel a productive throwing arm tempo, you locate your pitches. When you can’t find a rhythm, you can only hope your opponent helps you get through your outing.

What you want to do!

Location begins with balance. When your body is in balance, your arms are free to move the way you want.
Before you end your stride, your movements must signal your mind that your weight is centered between your knees.
From this balanced position, you open your front shoulder to your target. This simple action lets your upper body rotation activate your lower body, your lower body to force your stride and, to get your body back in balance, your stride to use your upper body to maximize your location, throwing arm speed and ball movement.
Instead of balance standing in the way of your location, you use your body’s hardwired circuits to bring your throwing hand through the same productive release window on every pitch.

What’s your pitching legacy?

Trial-and-error isn’t the least direct path to the pitching legacy you dream of having. However, virtually overnight, every movement in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” turns your pitching dream into an achievable reality.
Want to achieve your pitching dreams? Contact me.

Skip Fast
“Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” Coach and Mentor
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Your “Righting Reflexes” Determine Location

Every movement in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” sends your “righting reflex” the right signals at the right time. Every movement builds upon the last until your “righting reflex” turns your pitching dream into an achievable reality.
Your “Righting Reflex” Controls Your Movements On and Off the Field 
Your body moves in a very orderly fashion. 
  • Your "Righting Reflex” Always Comes First.   Before you move, your “righting reflex” makes sure your body is in balance. 
    • There’s Stationary Balance - With both feet on the ground, your “righting reflex” coordinates your arm and leg movements until your weight is balanced over your base of support. 
    • You also have Single-Leg Balance - Anytime you go from two feet on the ground to one, your “righting reflex” centers your weight over your back-foot.  
    • Finally, there’s Moving Balance – Begin with one foot on the ground and move forward and, to maintain your balance, your “righting reflex” uses your opposing arm or leg to counter your forward movement. 
  • Your movement is always secondary. Only after your “righting reflex” senses your body is in balance can you consciously move the way you want. 
Therefore, with your “righting reflex” controlling your movements, the only way to move the way you want is to carefully plan your movements 

Your “Righting Reflex” and Your Pitching Results 
In pitching, consistent with the Pro Pitching Institute “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©your movement pattern ends with you knowing your “righting reflex” is going to bring your throwing hand through the same sustainable, extremely productive release window on every pitch 

With the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©, when, on one pitch, you miss your target by an unacceptable distance, on the next pitch, you go back to the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy© movement sequence and watch your next pitch travel back into your intended target. 

Every movement in the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” sends your “righting reflex” the right signals at the right time. Every movement builds upon the last until your “righting reflex” turns your pitching dream into an achievable reality. 

The bottom-line, follow the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” and the “Winning Pitch Location Strategy© turns your “righting reflex” into the edge everyone is searching for. 

Want to use your “righting reflex” to you advantageContact me. 

Skip Fast “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” Coach and Mentor E-Mail:skip@propitchinginstitute.com Cell or Text: 856-281-2596 

Copyright © 2019 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Back-chaining guarantees pitching success!

When you follow the Pro Pitching Institute’s “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©”, you expect each pitch to end up where you want and with the movement that’ll challenge every hitter to make solid contact with any pitch you throw.

Back-chain your way to pitching excellence.

Back-chaining is looking at a chain reaction in reverse. 
Back-chaining is a very simple, very precise and extremely effective way to achieve your pitching dreams. You start with a desired outcome (in pitching, this boils down to location), then move backwards to determine the actions that’ll get you where you want to go.
  1. Back-chaining is looking at a chain reaction in reverse.You start with a desired outcome (in pitching, this boils down to location), then move backwards to determine the actions that’ll get you where you want to go.
  2. How do you create location?You stop your throwing hand from coming through different release windows.
  3. How do you get your throwing hand to come through the same release window?
    You stop using your throwing arm to offset your stride.
  4. How do you free your throwing arm from offsetting your stride?You stop striding.
  5. How do you stop from striding?You rotate out of your front leg lift. (As your body rotates down the mound, your body’s “fight or flight” mechanism instinctively uses your stride to protect you from falling on your nose. Also, not coincidentally, your stride length and direction become non-issues.)
  6. How do you rotate out of your front leg lift?You end your front leg lift with your weight centered on a spot just in front of your back foot.
  7. How do you center your weight just in front of your back foot?Before your front foot comes off the ground, you plant your feet under your hips, center your hands and flex your knees.

 Back-chaining systematically eliminates any reason for you to miss your intended target.

Back-chaining supercharges your learning curve.

After back-chaining, your pitching chain is guaranteed to produce the results you expect, you want, and you need to succeed in a sport built around failure.
  1. Your footwork creates your front leg lift.
  2. Your front leg lift makes rotation possible.
  3. Your rotation turns your current throwing action into a sustainable, location-producing reaction.
  4. Your throwing (re)action locates your pitches, produces very late ball movement and challenges the best hitters to make solid contact with any pitch you throw.

 Back-chaining simply and efficiently produces the very precise and thoroughly effective results you need to succeed at the highest levels.

Stop gambling with your pitching future!

When you follow the Pro Pitching Institute’s “Winning Pitch Location Strategy©”, you expect each pitch to end up where you want and with the movement that’ll challenge every hitter to make solid contact with any pitch you throw.

Want to become the Pitcher you know you should be? Contact me.

Skip Fast
“Winning Pitch Location Strategy©” Coach and Mentor
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019