Thursday, June 11, 2020

Becoming MLB Ready Should be a Given

We have the only pitching protocol guaranteed to teach you the lower body engagement that’s required to become the Pitcher you always wanted to be.

How does a Pitcher become MLB ready?

  1. Location - A Catcher places his target in a spot where the Hitter is least likely to drive the ball and the Pitcher hits the Catcher’s spot.
  2. Ball Movement – Every pitch breaks so close to the plate that it becomes extremely difficult for the Hitter to make solid contact with any pitch the Pitcher throws.
  3. Change of Speed - By showing fastball arm speed on every pitch, the Pitcher keeps their Opponent guessing about ball speed or movement.

How does a Pitcher get all 3 to happen all at once?

  1. Location - Their lower body pulls their throwing hand through the same spot on every pitch.
  2. Ball Movement - The additional energy their lower body channels up their core and out their throwing hand forces their ball to break closer to the plate than normal.
  3. Change of Speed – The Pitcher’s lower body driving their throwing hand into release means, no matter the Pitcher’s grip or release, their fastball arm speed challenges the Hitter to make solid contact with any pitch they throw.

Why can’t baseball teach lower body engagement?

  • Baseball treats lower body engagement as something a Pitcher does, yet, research proves, a Pitcher’s lower body engagement is actually a reaction to the Pitcher’s body position at the end of their front leg lift.
  • Until Baseball learns how to teach lower body engagement through their Student’s front leg lift position, Pitchers will continue to waste their time trying to do something that’s physically impossible to do.

Pitchers accept a subpar standard of performance

Instead of pitching to a lower standard of performance directly related to Baseball’s inability to engage a Pitcher’s lower half, Pitchers should ...
  • Maximize their throwing arm speed and expect the ball to end up where they want.
  • Measure their pitching through their pitch location, not their stats.
  • Create Pitcher’s counts instead of letting the Opponent control the count.
  • Know their position on the Team is secure without concern for someone with better command taking their spot.

Finding Solutions

We have the only pitching protocol guaranteed to teach you the lower body engagement that’s required to become the Pitcher you always wanted to be.

Want to know more? Let’s talk.

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Pro Pitching Institute
“The 5-Phase Front Leg Lift Sequence©” Author/Coach
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2020, Pro Pitching Institute.

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