Front Foot Wider Than Your Shoulders
Your front foot wider than your shoulders leads to the front
knee naturally drifting behind the front hip during the leg lift.
Your feet wider than your shoulders create an unstable and
unbalanced position, reducing control over the pitch.
You will likely "fly open" or have difficulty
repeating a consistent release point.
Feet One Baseball Width Apart
Feet one baseball width apart promotes a more
balanced leg lift, keeping the front knee in front of the front hip.
Your feet one baseball width apart provides better control, gives
you a better sense of where the ball will go, and encourages a more linear and
repeatable delivery.
Your feet one baseball width apart helps you maintain proper
alignment, keeps the front knee in front of the hip during the leg lift, and allows
for a more consistent and repeatable delivery, leading to improved command.
Our Guarantee
A narrower stance, roughly one baseball width apart,
promotes better balance.
We're so confident in our instructions that we offer a
unique guarantee: if we can't help you get the ball to your target regularly,
your instruction is free, no questions asked.
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“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©”
Pro Pitching Institute
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