Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Command is a hardwired reaction.

As you complete your stride, to equalize gravity’s force, you use your legs to center your weight around your core.


To completely bridge the gap between your best and worst outings, you need to become your own best Coach. With an understanding into gravity’s impact on your command, self-coaching becomes that much easier.

The way your body works.

  • Your body is hardwired to evenly distribute your weight around your body.
  • When an action creates a gravitational force on one side, your body spontaneously offsets the weight shift.
  • Your body doesn’t care about your pitch results, it only cares about eliminating any gravitational shifts.
  • Your body rotates around itself only when gravity becomes a non-issue.

Hopeful command.

When your moves straight down the mound ...
  • Your lower body precedes your upper body and, consequently, gravity pushes down on your upper body.
  • As you complete your stride, to equalize gravity’s force, you use your legs to center your weight around your core.
  • Once your body successfully distributes your weight around your core, your body has no reason to move and, accordingly, your throwing action becomes a separate conscious action.

By moving straight down the mound, you can only hope each pitch goes where you want with the movement you expect.

Unavoidably excellent command.

When your body rotates down the mound ...
  • Your lower and upper body remain vertically aligned, but gravity will push down on your core.
  • To stop gravity from being a factor, your stride stops your lower body rotation, but, when this happen, causes you to land your stride with a glove side weight shift.
  • To get your weight back to center, your body makes a throwing (re)action.

By rotating down the mound, your throwing (re)action allows each pitch to naturally travel into your target with the behavior you expect. 

Every “what” deserves a “how”.

Should your pitches not end up where you expect, on the Home Page of the Pro Pitching Institute we present the skills that’ll use gravity to challenge every hitter on every pitch.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing how to use gravity to your advantage. Your first step to removing this tragic flaw is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.

Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Pitch command comes from opening your front shoulder.

How your body works.

  • Your hips and shoulders want to stay over one another.
  • With both feet on the ground, you’re able to twist your hips and your shoulders will follow.
  • When perched on one leg, without resistance the ground, it’s physically impossible to rotate just your hips.

The flawless command you want.

The ability to start your delivery by opening your front shoulder begins with you ending your front leg lift with your weight centered just in front of your back foot.

Your lower body is driven to follow your upper body rotation. Your lower body reacting to your upper body creates the imbalance that sends your body rotating down the mound.

As a natural reaction to rotating down the mound, you lose control of your stride and foot plant. Your front foot hitting the ground generates a spontaneous chain reaction that produces flawless command.

Your chain reaction looks like this.
  1. Your front hip finishes your stride to the home plate side of your back-shoulder.
  2. As a natural reaction, your back-shoulder needs to catch up with your front hip.
  3. Consequently, your back-shoulder pulls your throwing hand through a consistently tiny release window.
  4. No matter your grip or release, your ball goes where you want, with the movement you expect and your opponent clearly seeing a fastball arm speed.

Your textbook command begins with you opening your front shoulder.

The spotty command you have.

By ending your front leg lift with your weight over your back foot, to move into your motion, you must shift your weight toward your target and, as a result, move straight down the mound.

When you let this happen, your hips lead your upper body your shoulders, and, at foot plant, you use your legs to get your core back to vertical.  When you move straight down the mound, your shoulders and hips stay over one another, and you end your stride with your front shoulder closed to your target.

By using your legs to right your body, you must use your upper body to complete your motion.

Therefore, when you start your motion with your weight over your back foot, by opening your front shoulder to your target, you turn your results into a competitive nightmare.

Every “what” deserves a “how”.

To discover a starting position that lets your front shoulder opening produce the high-level command you need to succeed, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing where your next pitch is going to end up. Your first step to removing this tragic flaw is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Fast-Track Pitching Session.

Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Pitch command comes from the way you move down the mound.

 Dylan Cease will have a more effective off-speed pitch by eliminating his initial core tilt.
When you actively stride, push off the rubber, lead with your front hip or let gravity take you straight down the mound, you'll forever struggle to put together back-to-back good outings???

There’s no excuse for spotty command, only reasons!

When you move straight down the mound, your lower half comes toward the plate faster than your upper body.
With your lower body moving ahead of your upper body, before you can complete your delivery, you’re forced to use your legs to bring your upper body over your lower half.

Where do good outings come from?
You have a good outing when you develop a “feel” for your legs bringing your body back to vertical at the same pace on every pitch. 

How do bad outings happen?
When you can’t “feel” the right tempo, your various body-alignments mean you’re going to  fight each hitter on every pitch.

Since a productive “feel” is nearly impossible to carry from one outing to the next, wouldn’t you get better results by permanently eliminating tempo as the reason for your poor outings? 

Want to expect a good outing every time you take the mound?

When you finish your front leg lift with your core already vertical, instead of moving straight down the mound, you can rotate toward the plate.

By rotating down the mound, you …
  • Finish your stride with your core already vertical,
  • Completely remove tempo as a reason for your poor outings,
  • Permanently bridge the gap between your best and worst outings, and
  • Come to expect every outing to be a good one.

As a bonus, when you complete your stride with your core already vertical, your legs actively engage with the rest of your body to let you ...

  • Live down in the zone,  
  • Induce misses and weak ground-balls, 
  • Throw all your pitches into your target, 
  • Stay away from big innings, 
  • Execute a game plan, 
  • Possess a collection of pitches. 
  • Show a clean and repeatable delivery, 
  • Go deep into your outings, 
  • Maximize your velocity, 
  • Have late ball movement, 
  • Become extremely reliable, 
  • Repeat your arm slot,
  • Maintain your velocity throughout your starts, 
  • Keep hitters from barreling up the baseball, 
  • Have an effective three-pitch mix and   
  • Show emotional maturity. 

… on every pitch all the time!!!
When you eliminate your core tilt, you can expect a good outing every time you take the mound!

Every “what” deserves a “how”.

To discover “how” to end your starting position with an upright core and then spin around this vertical axis, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for your worst outings not being as good as your best. Your first step to removing this gap is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Fast-Track Pitching Session.

Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to share the Por Pitching Institute posts with them!

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - How your stride can control more hitters more often.

How your body works?

To make sure we’re on the same page, these are your body’s physiological realities.
  1. Your body uses your throwing arm to offset your stride.
  2. Your body keeps your weight centered between your knees.
  3. “You” make an action and “your body” reacts to the action. Before “you” can make your next action, “your body” must finish reacting to the action "you" made.

Unsustainable stride results.

Your motion: When you begin your motion with your weight over your back foot, to move toward your target, you’re forced to stride. Once you actively stride, your body uses your throwing arm to offset the forward weight shift your stride creates. When this happens, you lose complete control of your throwing arm path. Once your body senses your weight is back to center, your body lets you complete your delivery.

Your command: When you begin your motion with your weight over your back foot, your command comes out of your stride tempo. The same stride tempo on each pitch produces the same throwing arm path. The same throwing arm path places your ball in relatively the same spot on every pitch.

We use the word relatively because your stride tempo is based upon a “feeling” that changes from outing to outing and even from pitch to pitch. Your command depends upon a less-than-repeatable “feeling”?

Sustainably excellent stride results.

Your motion: When your front leg lift centers your weight just in front of your back foot, instead of moving down the mound, you can rotate down the mound. By rotating down the mound, your body uses your stride to keep you from hurting yourself and, at the same time, creates the torque that’ll drive your throwing arm path.

Your command: Your command comes from your body using your throwing arm to release the energy you generate as you complete your stride. Your body’s predictable movement patterns insure your throwing hand moves through the same tiny release window on every pitch.

The sustainable release window your stride creates lets you become one of the rare Pitchers able to execute your Team’s pitching plan and one of the few Pitchers your Team counts on to keep them close enough to win.

Every “what” deserves a “how”.

To discover “how” to turn your stride into a reaction, produce sustainably excellent command, maximize your throwing arm speed and make you a critical part of your Team’s future, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

There are no excuses, only reasons.

When you apply the simply executed skills the Pro Pitching Institute presents and still feel your stride is hurting your results, contact“Skip” to schedule a FREE 20-minute, Face-Time pitching consultation.

Tell a friend!

Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to share our blogs with them!
Want to completely close the gap between your best and worst outings? Please feel free to contact me.

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Do you have the energy to command your pitches?

Just so we’re on the same page:

  • Torque is rotational related energy.
  • Energy comes from turning potential into kinetic energy.
  • Your body won’t let you deliver your pitch unless your core is straight up-and-down.

No potential energy, no kinetic energy, no command.

When you end your front leg lift with your weight over your back foot, to move down the mound,

  • You must push off the rubber.
  • As you push off, your head drifting toward second base creates an upper body tilt.
  • Your body uses your legs to get your core back to vertical.
  • You complete your delivery.
When, to complete your delivery, you force your legs to bring your core back to upright, rotational energy (torque) becomes impossible to produce. Without potential energy, you throwing arm speed is as great as your ability to whip your throwing arm around your head. This independent action means you never know where your next pitch is going to end up?

Create potential energy, create kinetic energy, create command.

When you end your front leg lift with your weight centered just in front of your back foot,

  • You end your front leg lift with your core already vertically aligned.
  • If you can’t complete your throwing action until your core is upright, by ending your front leg lift with an upright core, your body allows you to use your glove side to spin you down the mound.
  • Your spinning action creates potential energy.
  • Your stride interrupting your lower body rotation generates the torque that turns your potential energy into kinetic energy.
  • Your kinetic energy instantly travels up your core and out your throwing arm.
  • As an instantaneous reaction to the conditions you create, you complete your delivery.
Your spontaneous throwing action channels your energy into and out of your throwing hand, maximizes your throwing arm speed and, as an added benefit, delivers your pitches directly into your Catcher’s target with exceptionally late ball movement.

Every “what” deserves a “how”.

To discover how to consistently end your front leg lift with an upright body, produce sustainably excellent command, maximize your throwing arm speed and make you a critical part of your Team’s future, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

Let us know how you’re doing?
When you apply the 5 simply executed skills the Pro Pitching Institute presents and still find yourself struggling with your command, send us a pitching motion video or attach a comment to this post. We’ll use your video and comments to resolve the issues standing in the way of you being exceptional.

Tell a friend!
Know a Pitcher struggling on the mound? Make sure to share our blogs with them!

Want to fast track your personal improvement? Please feel free to contact me.

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Pitching - It's time to get your body working for you!

Unless you properly manage your body position into your front leg lift, getting your lower body to drive your results becomes a physical impossibility.

Managing your body position ...

Let’s briefly recap the last couple of blogs.

Your front leg lift ends with your body straight up-and-down. It’s your vertical alignment that keeps your body in balance and your arms free to move the way you want.

This is compared to you coming out of your front leg lift with a home to second body tilt. With your body tilted, as soon as you complete your stride, you must use your legs to get your body back to upright. When you let this happen, your lower body has nothing to do with your throwing action.

Therefore, unless you properly manage your body position into your front leg lift, getting your lower body to drive your results becomes a physical impossibility.

… Creates your throwing action ...

When you end your front leg lift with your body in an upright position, your glove arm is free to trigger your throwing action.  Once you fire your glove arm, you body produces this unstoppable chain reaction …
  1. Your glove side spins your shoulders.
  2. Your shoulder spin causes your hips to rotate.
  3. Your front foot hitting the ground stops your lower body rotation.
  4. To get your body back in balance, your lower body energy spontaneously travels into and out of your throwing hand.
  5. As a reaction to your lower body, your spontaneous throwing action gets your body back to vertical.
  6. Your throwing action automatically takes your throwing hand through a very productive release window.

… Which generates your results!

Since your leg driven results have roots in an easily-engineered body position, you find your results to be very sustainable, extremely predictable and a talent recruiter’s dream.

Let us know how you’re doing?
When you apply these last couple of blogs and still find yourself struggling with your command, send us a pitching motion video or attach a comment to this post. We’ll use your video and comments to resolve the movements standing in the way of you being exceptional.

Tell a friend!
Know a Pitcher struggling on the mound? Make sure to share our blogs with them!

Want to fast track your personal improvement? Please feel free to contact me.

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lift your pitching to new heights!

When you use your legs to keep your core vertical into your front leg lift, you produce exceptional results. When your legs create a core tilt, you never really know where your next pitch will end up?

How “you” control “your body”.

 “You” can only move when “your body” senses your weight is between your knees.
  • “You” control your movements.
  • “Your body” instantly reacts to the way “you” decide to move.
  •  “Your body” only cares about getting your weight centered between your knees.
  • “Your body” doesn’t care how you want your body to move.
  •  Fortunately, “your body” follows very predictable reaction patterns.

 “You” have control over your movements. “Your body” uses obvious reaction patterns to produce what you see.

How to “you” create a productive front leg lift?

If you’re like most of the Pitchers we work with, “you” generate a productive front leg lift by thinking to (1) lift and push your front heel toward the corner base while “you” simultaneously (2) turn your hands to point your thumbs toward your knees.

Your front leg action creates an all-important separation between your knees while your simultaneous arm action stops any second-to-home core tilt. 
  •  These actions combine to get your throwing arm to instantaneously respond to your stride.
  • These actions create a vertical axis around which your body can rotate.
  • These actions keep your glove arm free to rotate down the mound.
  • These actions allow “your body” to deliver every pitch into a very tiny target window.

When “you” only lift your front leg, “your body” places all your weight over your back foot.
  • To move your body toward your target, “you” must create a forward weight shift.
  • When “your body” senses a forward weight shift, you end up with a core tilt.
  • With a core tilt, “your body” won’t let you complete your delivery until your core move back to vertical.
  • The more your core needs to move to vertical, the larger your target area.

A productive front leg keeps your weight centered within your knees and frees your arm to move the way “you” want.

Your front leg lift separates exceptional from ordinary.

Ending your front leg lift with a vertical core is a reaction.

Treating your vertical core as something “you” do and not a consequence of your actions is a complete waste of your time.

When you use your legs to keep your core vertical into your front leg lift, you produce exceptional results. When your legs create a core tilt, you never really know where your next pitch will end up?

Stop aiming and start pitching.

Bookmark this blog and, next week, we’ll go into how “you” use your front leg lift to get your legs to produce eye-popping results.

Let us know how you’re doing?
When you apply these last couple of blogs and still find yourself struggling with your command, send us a pitching motion video or attach a comment to this post. We’ll use your video and comments to resolve the movements standing in the way of you being exceptional.

Tell a friend!
Know a Pitcher struggling on the mound? Make sure to share this blog with them!
Want to fast track your personal improvement? Please feel free to contact me.

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Professional Pitching Institute
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-524-3248

Copyright © 2018