Is your inability to locate your pitches already destroying your pitching future?
You can break the radar gun, possess unbelievable ball movement, have the perfect pitching strategy, possess the best stats, but unless you know how to regularly send your pitches where your Team wants with the movement your Team expects, none of these benchmarks matter.
In fact, the more often you fail to execute your pitches, the less value you are to your Team, and the less likely you are to ever pitch at the next level.
Your pitch location solidifies your pitching future.
Once you discover how to end your stride with your hips and shoulders at opposing angles, you become one of the few Pitchers your Team can count on to keep the Team close enough to win, you solidify your spot on your current Team and you attract the next-level attention needed to keep climbing the baseball ladder.
Make your pitching career great.
No matter your age or skill level, ending your stride with your hips and shoulders at opposing angles is teachable, and the pitch location associated with knowing how to do this is proven to attract next-level attention.
Struggling with your pitch location? Coach Skip is waiting for your call.
Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”
Pro Pitching Institute.