Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Pro Pitching Institute Blog – Basic Fastball Command.

You’re bombarded with volumes of print, hours and hours and hours of video and receive unclear verbal instruction, but, when you tear everything down to its bare essentials, where you place your feet before your front foot comes off the ground is all that matters.

How your body works.

You’re bombarded with volumes of print, hours and hours and hours of video and unclear verbal instruction, but, when you tear everything down to its bare essentials, this is what matters.
  • Your body is instinctually driven to keep itself in balance.
  • One simple decision -  where, before your front foot comes off the ground, you place your feet - determines the size of your target area.

Place your feet under your hips; your catcher’s mitt is your target area.

When you begin with your feet under your hips, you’re able to position your back knee to the second base side of your ankle.
Once your front foot comes off the ground, your lower body maintains your balance and, more importantly, your arms are free to move the way you want.
With your arms free, you use your glove side to rotate your body down the mound.
At foot plant, your rotation creates a glove side imbalance where, to get itself back in balance, your body makes a spontaneous throwing reflex.
Your fastball command is driven by your foot placements which …
  • generates your front leg lift position which
  • allows you to rotate down the mound which
  • spontaneously brings your throwing hand through a very tiny and extremely productive release window.

Begin with your feet too far apart; you expand your target area.

When you begin with your feet outside your hips, your back knee begins over or in front of your back foot.
Once your front foot comes off the ground, to keep yourself in balance, your body places your weight over your back foot.
With your weight over your back foot, unless you stride, lead with your hips or work to create hip to shoulder separation, you won’t move into your release.
At foot plant, your body is naturally driven to get itself back in balance. Once in balance, your throwing arm is now free to complete your motion.
Never knowing where your ball will end up means you choose to place your feet outside your hips which...
  • causes you to end your front leg lift with your weight over your back foot which
  • forces you to shift your weight down the mound which
  • uses your throwing arm for balance which
  • at foot plant, frees your throwing arm to complete your motion which
  • instead of being a reflex action, turns your release into an independent action.

Our “Do It Yourself Pitching Benchmarks” shrink your target area.

By following the benchmarked process outlined at the Pro Pitching Institute, you expect every pitch to travel directly into your Catcher’s target!!!

Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their fastball command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute “Do It Yourself Pitching Benchmarks”.

Skip Fast
Freelance Pitching Coach
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Pro Pitching Institute Blog – The 3-Stages to Elite Command.

When you put your body in this position, you show your opponent a fastball arm speed where, as a reaction to your lower body interruption, your throwing hand comes through a consistently tiny release window.

How your body works.

  • Every movement, every pitch result is a reaction to a previous action.
  • Your body position at the top of your front leg lift determines how your body reacts going into your ball release.
  • Your legwork into your front leg lift determines your body position into the top of your front leg lift.
  • Every action ends with your body in balance.

Your pitch results.

Your lower body whips your throwing arm into release.
Your stride interrupts your lower body rotation which forces your body to do one thing and one thing only. To get itself back in balance, your body demands your throwing arm makes a spontaneous reaction.
When you put your body in this position, you show your opponent a fastball arm speed where, as a reaction to your lower body interruption, your throwing hand comes through a consistently tiny release window. 
Change your grip, change your release, let your body’s reaction show your opponent a fastball arm speed and you challenge every hitter to make solid contact with any one of your pitches.

Your body gets itself back in balance and then you throw.
Your movement down the mound ends with your body centering your weight between your feet.
Once in balance, your throwing action turns into an independent action and your throwing arm path depends upon your body position at foot plant.
With an independent throwing action, you never know where each pitch will end up, the best hitter see you tip your pitches and you measure your success by your ability to survive your failures.

Your front leg lift.

You front leg lift body position forces you to use your arms for balance.
When your front leg lift ends with your weight over your back foot, to move down the mound, you must shift your weight toward your target.
The instant your shift your weight toward your target your lower body moving ahead of your upper body creates an imbalance.

You front leg lift body position keeps your arms free to move anyway you want.
When your front leg lift ends with your weight centered between your knees, your arms remains free to move the way you want.
You make a planned glove side action that’ll rotate your body down the mound.

Your legwork.

Your legwork causes your hips to rotate or your weight to shift from home to second.
As your front foot leaves the ground, when your foot placements create a hip rotation or some sort of weight shift, you end your front leg lift with all your weight over your back foot.

Your legwork keeps your weight evenly distributed around your core.
As your front foot leaves the ground, when your foot placements eliminate any chance your hips swivel or your weight moves from front to back, you end your front leg lift with your weight centered between you knees.

Fast track your improvement.

Lots of people focus on how they move down the mound, but to excel on the mound, all you need is a laser focus on your footwork. Unsure how to adjust your legwork, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

The only reason you don’t know where your next pitch will end up is because you have yet to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.
Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Freelance Pitching Coach
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Fanatical Command.

You shrink your target area to the size of your Catcher’s mitt by finishing your front leg lift you’re your weight centered just in front of your back foot.

How your body works.

Whether pitching or merely going through your daily activities, your body is hardwired to keep itself in balance.
Your body accomplishes this by giving you no choice but to end your front leg lift with your weight centered in one of two places.
  1. You end your front leg with your weight centered over your back foot or
  2. You end your front leg with your weight centered just in front of your back foot.

Each weight distribution produces characteristically predictable result with uncanny accuracy.

Weight centered over your back foot.

The instant your front foot comes off the ground your body goes to work to center your weight within your base of support. (With one foot touching the ground, your base of support becomes the distance between your knees.)
When you fail to obsess over your movements into your front leg lift, you allow your knees to cross one another, you lose your base of support and, to stay in balance, you force your body to center your weight over your back foot.
With your weight centered over your back-foot, to get your body moving toward the plate, you must make some movement that’ll shift your weight toward the plate.
The instant you shift your weight, until your front foot gets back on the ground, your throwing arm is used to get your weight back to center.
The degree to which you use your throwing arm path to balance your body determines the size of your target area.

Weight centered just in front of your back foot.

You shrink your target area to the size of your Catcher’s mitt by finishing your front leg lift you’re your weight centered just in front of your back foot.
By being fanatical about your movements into your front leg lift, your body instinctively centers your weight between your knees.
From this position, instead of shifting your weight toward your target, you use your glove side to rotate your body down the mound.
By rotating down the mound, you keep your throwing arm free to respond to your foot plant. When your front foot contacts the ground, your planned body position forces you to use your throwing arm to get your body back in balance. .
By plan, to get your body back in balance, your throwing action literally turns into a throwing reaction.
As a spontaneous reaction to your body position at foot plant, you throwing hand comes through a consistently tiny release window, the additional torque from your lower body enhances your throwing arm speed and the addition energy generated by your lower body cause your pitches to break closer to the plate than usual.

Fast track your improvement.

Lots of people can throw hard, but few know where their pitches will end up. To be one of the few pitchers who throws hard and knows where each pitch will end up, obsess over your movements into your front leg lift. To fast track your journey to spontaneous success, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing how to command every pitch all the time. The only reason you don’t know where your next pitch will up is because you have yet to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.

Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Freelance Pitching Coach
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Control every hitter.

How your pitching sequence works.

When you do your normal delivery in slow-motion, one of two things happen. Either …
  1. You can’t help but end your movements with a spontaneous throwing (re)action or
  2. Your movements completely stop when your front foot strikes the ground and, to complete your delivery, you must think about making a throwing action.

You Control Your Opponent

Out of the billions of movement combinations within your pitching motion, only one movement sequence gives you control over your opponent. In this sequence, not coincidentally, your slow-motion delivery makes your throwing action a fundamental part of your movements.

Within this sequence …
  • Your foot placements begin with your feet under your hips.
  • Next, your legs center your weight in front of your back foot.
  • Followed by your front leg lift ending with your front knee in line with your front shoulder.
  • Finally, your glove hand takes you into your throwing action.

Any variation to this sequence changes your entire movement combination and, when your front foot hits the ground, risks your slow-motion delivery coming to a complete stop?

Your Opponent Controls You

There are billions (minus one) movement possibilities that cause your slow-motion delivery to stop when your front foot touches the ground.
You have no chance to deliver 3 consecutive pitches directly into your Catcher’s target once you ...
  • Begin your delivery with your feet anywhere but under your hips.
  • Start your movement sequence with your back knee over or in front of your back foot.
  • End your front leg lift with your front knee behind your front hip.
  • Come out of your front leg lift with your front leg or throwing hand moving before your glove hand.

The cost for continuing what you’re doing is a shortened pitching career. The reward for looking at your delivery in a unique way becomes the possibility you realize your wildest pitching dreams.

Fast track your improvement.

Trial-and-error turns your sustainability into a hit-or-miss proposition. In fact, by taking the trial-and-error route, your pitching career could be over before you understand how to be successful. To fast track your journey to spontaneous success, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing the one movement pattern that’ll end your slow-motion delivery with a throwing action. Your first step to removing this tragic flaw is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.
Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Freelance Pitching Coach
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - The Only Solution to Pitching Excellence

Whether you’re a Little Leaguer, Professional or any level in between, this self-checking, 6-step movement pattern produces the sustainable command, enhanced throwing arm speed, later ball movement and deceptive arm action you need to succeed in a sport built on failure.

Only one movement sequence guarantees sustainable pitching success!

Your pitching motion contains more movement combinations than a Rubik’s Cube.

A Rubik’s Cube has billions of movement combinations, but a series of very perceptive and simply executed movement patterns make it easy to get the same colored squares on the same sides.

Why you struggle?

Like a Rubik’s Cube, many pitching motion movement combinations tease you into thinking you’ve solved your personal pitching riddle, but, when you test the movement pattern you thought worked, you find it impossible to get any 3 consecutive pitches to travel directly into your target.

With the billions of movement combinations a pitching motion contains, simply using trial-and-error to find the right combination isn’t wise. By doing so, there’s an excellent chance your competitive pitching career will end before you find a sustainable movement pattern, and, throughout your entire pitching career, your pitching success means surviving your pitching failures.

Experience success!

Out of these billions of movement combinations, one universally productive pitching pattern does exist.

Whether you’re a Little Leaguer, Professional or any level in between, this self-checking, 6-step movement pattern produces the sustainable command, enhanced throwing arm speed, later ball movement and deceptive arm action you need to succeed in a sport built on failure.

With a little time and effort, you’ll marvel how quickly 4 simple positions and 2 basic movements solve your pitching woes.

In fact, your laser focus on this simple 6-stage movement process will get you to confidently deliver every pitch into your Catcher’s target with the later ball movement and deceptive arm action needed to consistently challenge every hitter on every pitch.

Fast track your improvement.

By knowing this one-in-a-billion movement sequence, creating a productive and spontaneous throwing (re)action is simple. However, trial-and-error turns your sustainability into a hit-or-miss proposition. To fast track your journey to spontaneous success, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing the one movement pattern that’ll turn your throwing action into a reaction. Your first step to removing this tragic flaw is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.

Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Freelance Pitching Coach
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Is your command relatable?

By knowing how your body works, creating a productive and spontaneous throwing (re)action is simple. However, when using contemporary standards to control your movements, your sustainability becomes a hit-or-miss proposition.
How your body works.
  • Your body is a closed system.
  • Everything within a closed system relates to everything else.
  • By properly managing the movements within your closed pitching system, your throwing hand always comes through a very sustainable and extremely productive release window.

In pitching, your everyday life experiences matter.

Picture yourself walking down a busy city street. To navigate the crowd, you take a step, turn your upper body in the direction to want to move and, in the end, don’t bump into the person you wanted to avoid.
  • What your body tells you? Your shoulders move your lower body.
  • In pitching, your hips don’t move themselves and working on your lower body activity without shoulder involvement is a waste of time.

You walk down a hill. Your stride lengthens, your body tilts slightly up hill and your arms become more active.
  • What your body tells you? Without thinking about it, you reposition your body parts to your environment.
  • In pitching, the way your body moves is determined by the environment your movements create. Trying to change your motion without addressing the movements impacting what you want to change is a waste of time.

When perches on a balance beam, the same movements produce the same reactions.
  • What your body tells you? Your body works in patterns. When one thing happens, you expect the same reaction.
  • In pitching, by creating an environment where your shoulders turn your throwing action into a sustainable and very productive reaction, you expect each pitch to travel into your Catcher’s target.

Sustainable pitching performances use the way your body reacts to itself to create your spontaneous and highly productive throwing reactions.

Fast track your improvement.

By knowing how your body works, creating a productive and spontaneous throwing (re)action is simple. However, when using contemporary standards to control your movements, your sustainability becomes a hit-or-miss proposition. To fast track your journey to spontaneous command, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing how to turn your throwing action into a reaction. Your first step to removing this tragic flaw is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.

Tell a friend! 
Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Freelance Pitching Coach
E-Mail: skip@propitchinginstitute.com
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Pro Pitching Institute Blog - Make Pinpoint Command Your Expectation

You want your actions into your front leg lift to put you into a position where your glove side action triggers a “fight or flight” known to deliver every pitch directly into your Catcher’s target.
How your body produces results.
  • A baseball is an object.
  • As an object, you release point determines where your baseball lands and how it behaves.
  • When you come into your foot plant using your throwing arm for balance, your throwing arm path interferes with what you want the baseball to do.
  • Keeping your throwing arm free to respond to your hips generates the sustainable results that’ll help you succeed at the highest levels.

Using your throwing arm for balance.

As soon as your core moves from vertical, you force your body to use your arms for balance.
  • When you let this happen, until your body gets back in balance, you lose control of your throwing arm path.
  • By the time you complete your delivery, you’ve lost control of your pitching results.

Easily controlled decisions cause you to use your throwing arm.

Foot Placement decisions
  • Beginning your motion with your feet wider than your hips.
  • Having your hips and/or shoulder point away from your target.
  • Starting with your back knee over or in front of your back foot.
Front leg lift responses

  • Ending your front leg lift with your weight over your back foot.
  • Letting your front knee finish behind your front hip.
  • Rocking back to the top of your front leg lift.
In each case, something you did (and have control over), shifts your weight forward, triggers your “fight or flight” response and causes you to never really know where each pitch will end up.

Keeping your throwing arm free to respond to your lower body.

  • By ending your front leg lift with your weight evenly distributed around your core, you keep your throwing arm free to respond to your lower body.
  • You use your glove side to rotate your body down the mound.
  • At foot plant, to get you back in balance, your body forces you to make a throwing action.
  • As a spontaneous reaction, your body brings your throwing hand through a consistently tiny, yet very productive, release window.
Easily controlled decisions keep your throwing arm free to respond to your hips.

Foot Placement decisions

  • Before your place your front foot in position, your back foot is level.
  • You place your feet inside your hips.
  • You position your back knee over the little toes of your back foot.
Front leg lift responses

  • You roll your shoulders toward your bellybutton.
Throwing action

  • Your glove arm action rotates you down the mound.

In each case, your actions into your front leg lift puts you into a position where your glove side action triggers a “fight or flight” known to deliver every pitch directly into your Catcher’s target.

Fast track your improvement.

Performing the skills presented seems simple, but, when measure using contemporary standards, become very complicated. To fast track your journey to high-level command, visit the Pro Pitching Institute.

No excuses, only reasons.

There’s no excuse for you not knowing how to keep your throwing arm uninvolved with your balance. Your first step to removing this tragic flaw is to pick up your cell phone, call “Skip” at 856-281-2596 and schedule your FREE 20-minute, Pro Pitching Institute Pitching Session.
Tell a friend! Have a friend struggling with their command? Make sure to tell them about the Pro Pitching Institute posts!

Skip Fast
Expert Pitching Coach
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2018