Thursday, December 9, 2021

Get Better Results More Often!


Instead of throwing the ball, let your Body position at the top of your Front Leg lift produce the results you need to keep your pitching dreams alive.

Start by Understanding Your Body.

1.    When balanced on one leg, your Lower Body moves in unison with your Shoulders.

2.    Therefore, to rotate your Hips, you must first spin your Shoulders.

Your Dilemma.

Your problem is that, as silly as it sounds, you’re taught to throw with your Throwing Arm.

1.    When you use your Throwing Arm to deliver your pitches, you stop your Front Shoulder from moving your Hips.

2.    You lose your Lower Body.

3.    Your Throwing Arm works alone, and

4.    You can’t know with any certainty where any single pitch will end up.

Your Solution.

By ending your Front Leg lift with your Back Knee over the Little Toes of your Back Foot, you keep your Arms free to move the way you want.

1.    You can then use your Glove Arm to rotate out of your Front Leg lift.

2.    Your rotation ends your Stride with your Hips and Shoulders at different angles.

3.    Your Body position at Foot Plant forces your Lower Body to whip your Throwing Hand into release and repeatedly produce the results you expect.

Your bottom line … instead of throwing the ball, let your Body position at the top of your Front Leg lift produce the results you need to keep your pitching dreams alive.

Need help with Front Leg lift? Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

How To You Keep Your Lower Body Connected?

Discover how your Foot Placements prepare your Lower Body to produce the results you want as often as you expect.

Ending your Stride with a twisted Torso force your Body to use your Throwing Action to right itself.

In the process, your Lower Body produces the results you want as often as you expect.

How Do You End Your Stride with a Twist?

To end your Stride with your Hips and Shoulders at different angles, you use your Glove Side Shoulder to spin your Body out of your Front Leg lift.

Your Foot Plant stops your Lower Body rotation, your Upper Body continues to spin, and for your Body to get itself back to balance, you force your Body to make a throwing action.

Active Strides Hurt Your Results.

When you actively stride, you use your Throwing Arm to offset your forward weight shift, and by doing so, you lock your Glove Arm in place.

With your Glove Arm locked in place, you block any Upper Body rotation, and can only hope to produce the results you expect.

A Free Glove Arm is Critical to Your Mound Success.

The right Foot placements end your Front Leg lift with your Front Knee in front of your Front Shoulder.

The separation between your Knees keeps your Glove Arm free to have your Lower Body drive the results you want.

Need help with your Foot placements?  Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Here’s a Way to Instantly Improve Your Pitching Results

Discover a proven way to trick your Body into producing the results you need to keep your pitching career moving to the next level.

Pitching aside, with both Feet on the ground, your Body naturally centers your weight between your Feet and keeps your Arms free to move the way you want.

The Results You Want

By ending your Front Leg lift with a distance between your Knees, you trick your body into acting as if you had both Feet on the ground.

Your Body keeps your Glove Arm free to engage your Lower Body, you allow your Throwing Arm to react to your Lower Body and, as an instantaneous reaction, your Throwing Action produces the results you want.

The Results You Do Have

However, when, at the top of your Front Leg lift, you place your weight over your Back Foot, you must stride.

Your stride may move you toward your target, but it also engages your Front Hip, locks your Throwing Shoulder in place, and makes using your Lower Body to drive your results physically impossible.

This means, unless you find a productive Stride tempo, you can only hope to produce the results you want.

Get Better Results

Producing better results comes from finding the right combination of Foot Placements and Lower Body positioning that’ll allow you to end your Front Leg lift with a distance between your Knees.

If you need help finding a productive Front Leg lift, Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Start Your 2022 Season Off on the Right Foot!


End your Front Leg lift with a distance between your Knees, and, with the right Glove Arm action, fulfill your 2022 goals.

How to Improve Your 2022 Outings?

The 2022 improvement you desire comes from keeping a clear distance between your Knees at the top of your Front Leg lift.

Do this and you keep your Throwing Arm free to repeatedly and automatically produce the results you want as often as you expect.

A Simple Goal for Your 2022 Pitching Motion

In 2022, by beginning with your Feet under your Knees, you, by design, stand a better chance to finish your Front Leg lift with your Front Knee separated from your Back, and consequently keep your Throwing Arm free to respond to your foot plant.

By using your Glove Arm to take you out of your Front Leg lift, the distance between your Knees signals your body to end your stride with your hips and shoulders at different angles.

Realize Your 2022 Goals

By plan, your Body uses your Throwing action to relieve the tension created at foot plant.

Your Body whips your Throwing Arm into release, and, in the process, automatically upgrades your 2021 results to your 2022 goals,

Need help making 2022 your best season yet, Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Where and How to Focus Your Attention?

Discover a process to stay you focused on the things that’ll help your performances better match your expectations.

As a Pitcher, over and above trying to coach yourself, you have lots to think about, tons of responsibilities, get pulled in many directions at the same time, and bounce between the past and future.

However, when you stay in the present, these distractions disappear, and you produce much better results more often.

Teach Yourself to Be Present

To stop worrying about what might happen, feeling guilty about what did happen, and controlling what’s about to happen, practice your delivery in ultra-slow motion.

This simple act points out your motion’s weaknesses, and, once corrected, shuts out the distractions standing between what you want to do and what you actually do.

Realizing Exceptional Results

Making an ultra-slow motion lets you understand how your foot placements, leg work, and hand positioning combine to produce your Front Leg lift and why, coming out of your front leg lift, your motion stops at your foot plant.

An ultra-slow motion keeps you in the present, tells you in real-time the relationship between your actions/reactions, and opens the door to forcing your body to end your stride with a totally spontaneous and highly productive throwing action.

Need help managing your ultra-slow movements, Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Dynamic Balance Improves Pitching Results

A laser focus on dynamic balance produces the results you want more often than you expect.

When you methodically choreograph your dynamic balance into your foot plant, you’re very likely to experience better results.

You’re dynamically balanced when your movements create a chain reaction within your shoulder, hips, arms, and legs.

How To Generate Dynamic Pitching Balance?

Dynamic balance starts with your feet under your hips.

By beginning this way, your hips remain free to shift your weight over your back leg.

With your weight over your back leg, without disrupting your balance, your front knee is free to complete your front leg lift.

From your front leg lift, you lock your back leg in place and use your free glove arm to create a spinning action proven to generate tremendous tension at foot strike.

You neutralize your body’s tension by automatically producing the results you want.

Dynamic Balance Is Easy to Teach

Your delivery lacks dynamic balance when your motion stops at your foot plant.

If this describes you, you’re not ending your front leg lift in a state of dynamic balance. Correct this, and through repetition, you’ll instantly produce better results more often.

Need help finding your dynamic balance, Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Unlock Your Pitching Results

A very simple way to unlock your pitching potential is to begin each motion by telling your body how you want it to move.

You open a lock by putting a predetermined sequence of numbers into a tumbler.

Likewise, you unlock more productive results when you send your body the right sequence of movements/positions.

Tell Yourself How to Succeed

Regularly send your body a proven sequence of foot placements, lower body orientations, hand positions, front leg lifts, and throwing triggers and you unlock your pitching potential.

The biggest problem you have is that, even if you had the right combination, you begin your delivery without telling your body how you want it to move.

Instead, you set your feet, think about what you want to accomplish, begin your delivery, and only hope to produce the results you want.

You Say It, You Think It

A best practice is, whether in competition or in the bullpen, to always say out loud the pitching combination you want your body to use.

Very quickly, the improved results associated with telling your body how you want it to move become a habit.

Need Your Pitching Combination?

If you’re searching for the right pitching combination, start your search with your feet, move to your legs, and finish with your upper body.

Need help finding a productive pitching combination, Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

Copyright © 2021, Pro Pitching Institute.