Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pitching: Combining the Biological with the Physical

The progression featured on the web site mirrors this final scenario. You end front leg lift with your weight (the marble) in the same position as it was before your front foot left the ground and, by throwing through your target, gravity brings your throwing hand through a very productive and extremely sustainable release window.

Understanding physical balance.

To demonstrate your body’s drive to stay in balance, picture a bowl and a marble.
Gravity positions the marble at the bottom of the bowl. Every time you move the marble away from this position gravity always returns the marble to the bowl’s center of balance.
When you lift one side of the bowl, gravity moves the marble to a different position within the bowl. When you bring the bowl back to level, the marble moves back to the bowl’s center of balance.

Understanding biological balance.

Obviously, your body is more reactive than a couple of inanimate objects like the bowl and marble, but, surprisingly, your inner ear gets your body to act very much like the ball and bowl.

Your inner ear constantly monitors gravity’s impact of your body. To keep your weight (the marble) centered between your feet (the bowl), your inner ear automatically rearranges your arm, legs and torso positions.

Understanding balance and your front leg lift.

The instant your front foot comes off the ground your inner ear interprets gravity’s impact on your body.

Your inner ear positions your weight (the marble) over your back foot (a small bowl).

Ending your front leg lift with your weight directly over your back foot ends your front leg lift in an unstable, yet balanced, position. To move out of this less-than-stable position, you forced to create a controlled free fall.

Your free fall triggers your inner ear to use your throwing arm to get your body back in balance. Let this happen and you never know where any one pitch ends up?

Efficient gravity management.

There is one other bowl and marble option that creates movement while the marble stays in the center of the bowl. You rotate the bowl around the marble.

The progression featured on the web site mirrors this final scenario. You end front leg lift with your weight (the marble) in the same position as it was before your front foot left the ground and, by throwing through your target, gravity brings your throwing hand through a very productive and extremely sustainable release window.

By using your body to mimic nature’s physical rules, you expect to throw strikes!

Know another Pitchers struggling to achieve their pitching dreams, then make sure to tell them about the

Skip Fast
Freelance Professional Pitching Coach
Cell or Text: 856-281-2596

Copyright © 2019

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