Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Lower Body Engagement as a Natural Response

By focusing on the correct sequence of movements, pitchers ensure consistent lower body involvement and improve their accuracy and velocity.

Lower body involvement is a natural consequence of proper upper body movements and ball location.

Your Front Leg puts your Glove Hand in a position to control your motion.

The front leg's landing creates a foundation, initiates the upper body's control, and sets the stage for the upper body to start the throwing motion.

Your Glove Hand goes palm up at the right time.

A key component in starting the kinetic chain reaction is a specific glove-side action that creates separation between the upper and lower body, initiates torso rotation, and loads the hips.

You activate your Lower Body.

The proper positioning and movement of the front leg and glove hand naturally triggers the lower body to drive forward and rotate.

Your Lower Body drives your pitch location.

The lower body controls the direction, velocity and accuracy of the pitch. Your ball naturally goes directly into your target.

Your Lower Body involvement is guaranteed.

The lower body will always be involved when the first two steps are done correctly.

Pitch Smart

By focusing on the correct sequence of movements, pitchers ensure consistent lower body involvement and improve their accuracy and velocity.

We're so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can't help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

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