Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Organized Motions –Lower Body Engagement


The coordinated movement of the lower and upper bodies allows for better timing and efficiency in the throwing motion.

Lower Body Engagement Is Crucial For Effective And Accurate Throwing

A solid Lower Body engagement generates more power and allows the throwing hand to deliver the ball with greater velocity and accuracy.

The balanced position with the front knee in front of the front hip provides a more stable base for the throwing motion which improves control and accuracy.

The coordinated movement of the lower and upper bodies allows for better timing and efficiency in the throwing motion.

By setting up the Lower Body correctly and activating it through the glove hand, the pitcher generates more power, stability, and control, leading to improved accuracy and consistency.

No Lower Body Engagement

Your Front Knee is behind your Front Hip placing your balance over your Back Foot.

Your Throwing Hand fires the ball, and you get a larger-than-expected target area.

Lower Body Engagement

Your Front Knee is in front of your Front Hip placing your balance in front of your Back Foot.

Your Glove Hand Palm activates your Lower Body, and your Lower Body propels your throwing hand to the target with uncanny regularity.

Getting Better Results

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the Lower Body movement to prompt a throw with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Organized Motions – Proper Foot Strikes

The more efficient transfer of momentum from the lower body to the upper body allows you to hit your target with uncanny regularity.

Not “Foot Strike, Then Throw” …

In your Starting Position, your Front Hip finishes behind back leg, your Body fights gravity, and you lose control of the ball.

Your weight shifts forward causing your throwing action.

You hit your foot strike, and your weight initiating your throwing action sends the ball to a larger target area.

… But “Foot Strike, And Throw”

In your Starting Position, your weight balances just in front of your Back Foot.

You Glove Hand initiates your Stride, and your Lower Body initiates your Throwing Arm

Your Glove Hand Palm goes up, your Throwing Arm follows, and you hit your target with uncanny regularity.

The “Foot Strike, And Throw” Method

The Glove Hand acts as a guide and provides more control over the throwing motion.

A simultaneous foot strike and throwing action allow for better timing and coordination.

The more efficient transfer of momentum from the lower body to the upper body allows you to hit your target with uncanny regularity.

Getting Better Results

While both methods involve a foot strike and throwing action, due to factors like control, timing, and momentum "Foot Strike, And Throw," appears to be more effective in terms of accuracy.

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the starting position to prompt a throw with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Organized Motions - Shoulder Alignment


Proper shoulder rotation allows for the energy from your hips to go through your core and your throwing arm.

The Importance of Proper Shoulder Alignment.

Aligned shoulders provide a direct path to the target, enhancing accuracy and command.

Proper shoulder rotation allows for the energy from your hips to go through your core and your throwing arm.

The increased torque from your body contributes to optimal velocity.

Misaligned shoulders lead to overuse injuries such as shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tears, and a motion being injury prone.

Shoulder Alignment

Shoulder position directly influences target accuracy and overall efficiency and is interconnected with lower body mechanics.

Correct shoulder alignment is essential for consistency, power, and injury prevention.

Improper glove hand positioning misaligns shoulders and disrupts the kinetic chain.

Shoulder Alignment and Its Impact on Pitching

To improve shoulder alignment, pitchers strengthening the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint improve stability and control.

A strong core is essential for maintaining proper posture and preventing compensatory movements.

Exercises that increase range of motion help pitchers achieve optimal shoulder position.

Common Shoulder Alignment Issues

- Excessive shoulder tilt restricts shoulder rotation and leads to compensatory movements.

- Shoulder opening too early disrupts timing and reduces power.

- Shoulders lagging the hips hinder torque generation and cause arm stress.

Getting Better Balance

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the shoulder alignment to prompt a throw with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Organized Motions - Understanding the Concepts of Core Engagement

Legitimate core rotation occurs when the front knee stays in front of the front hip and the lower body moves through the core to the throwing arm.

The lower body driving through the core and into the throwing hand optimizes pitching performance.

Balance is Critical

The position of the feet significantly influences the front knee's position, overall balance, power, and accuracy.

The placement of the front knee in relation to the front hip is crucial for engaging the core.

Weight Distribution

As well as balance, proper weight distribution is essential core engagement.

As the pitcher strides, weight shifts progressively to through the core, creating a counterforce for upper body rotation, and is vital for generating torque and velocity.

Core Engagement

Legitimate core rotation occurs when the front knee stays in front of the front hip and the lower body moves through the core to the throwing arm.

A strong core acts as the body's stabilizer, preventing excessive rotation, maintaining postural control, and generating power and accuracy.

This legitimate rotation efficiently transfers energy from the lower body to the upper body, maximizing force production, and promoting better balance and power.

Getting Better Balance

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the core activity to prompt a throw with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Organized Motions - The Body's Inherent Drive Towards Balance.

Glove hand movement establishes an organized, balanced, and coordinated delivery.

"Legitimate Internal Rotation" and "False Internal Rotation" emphasize the importance of body coordination and efficiency in the pitching motion.

Legitimate Internal Rotation

In an Organized Motion, “Legitimate Internal Rotation” is a coordinated and efficient use of the body's natural balance mechanisms.

By initiating the movement with the glove hand, you set up a kinetic chain that naturally leads to hip rotation and arm acceleration.

Glove hand movement establishes an organized, balanced, and coordinated delivery.

False Internal Rotation

In an Unorganized Motion, “False Internal Rotation” is a compensatory mechanism where the body tries to maintain balance in response to an incorrect movement initiation.

When the throwing arm often takes precedence over the lower body, an unorganized motion leads to inefficiencies and increased stress on the arm.

Imagine a dancer.

When they perform a pirouette, their body is in constant balance, shifting weight and adjusting posture to maintain equilibrium.

Your motion strives for a similar level of coordination and control.

Getting Better Balance

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the glove hand movement to prompt a throw uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Interplay of Footwork, Glove Work, and Balance

The connection between footwork, glove work, and throwing motion is essential for generating power and accuracy.

By focusing on these aspects, Pitchers develop a more comprehensive understanding of their mechanics and make targeted improvements to their game.


Foot positioning is foundational to balance, glove work, and command.

Proper heel positioning means your Heels are slightly apart and aligned with target and is crucial for maintaining balance and facilitating smooth glove work.

Incorrect heel placement leads to imbalance, poor glove work, and decreased accuracy.

Glove Work

Glove work generates power and accuracy in throws.

By going Glove Hand Palm facing your target to a flip so your Glove Hand Palm faces your target, your Glove Hand initiates lower body movement, leading to a powerful and accurate throw.

Effective glove work is essential for transferring energy from the lower body to the upper body and ultimately the ball.


Balance is the key to consistent and effective movement.

Proper foot positioning creates a stable platform for all subsequent movements.

The connection between footwork, glove work, and throwing motion is essential for generating power and accuracy.

Maintaining balance throughout the entire movement allows for optimal efficiency and effectiveness.

Getting Better Balance

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the balance to prompt a throw uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Your Glove Hand Palm Flip Prompts Accuracy


By controlling the timing and direction of the glove hand flip, pitchers achieve a smaller target area and significantly improve their accuracy.

Importance of Glove Hand Palm

A well-timed glove hand palm flip with the palm facing upwards allows for a smaller target area and greater accuracy.

Consequences of No Glove Hand Control:

Where there’s no glove hand palm movement, the front foot is positioned poorly behind the hip and the pitcher’s shoulders aren’t in line with his target.

In this case, the glove hand moves in a passive, uncontrolled way and acts primarily for balance.

The lack of control over the glove hand palm leads to a larger target area and reduced accuracy.

Benefits of Ideal Glove Hand:

Where the pitcher's body is in balance, the front foot is aligned with back toes, the front toe is toward the target, and the glove hand naturally turns over palm upwards.

By controlling the timing and direction of the glove hand flip, pitchers achieve a smaller target area and significantly improve their accuracy.

Getting Lower Body Engaged

When you're balanced, your glove hand flip maintains balance and guides accurate pitches.

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the balance to prompt a throw uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.